(the) teacher |
punished |
(the) student |
In the following sentences, we find dative and
instrumental phrases preceding the main verbs.
Similarly we have sentences in which the verb is
preceded by sociative, ablative and purposive.
The various constituents that are occuring with the verb may be
shown as :
Verb + objecdt + Instrument |
Verb + Sociative + Ablative |
Verb + Object + Sociative |
Verb + Object + Place + Time |
Verb + Dative |
Verb + Object + Dative |
We have not shown all the possible
combinations of cases with the main verb. We have merely listed
some of the combinations found in the data. The various cases
are nothing but the noun phrases with various suffixes. We will
not go into the details of these structures of the constituents
of cases. The following diagram represents the structure of verb