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(iii) tri- is another bound form occurring before the ordinal marker -tyor and also before /-s/ ‘ten’ when the numeral has the structure of A X B, as in :
  trityor   ‘third’
tris      ‘thirty’

The numeral sari ‘four’ has three positional variants. These are : sari, cw-. and coli-. The distraction of these positional variants are as under:
(i) sari pora   ‘from four’
sari suali   ‘four girls’
(ii) cw-, bound form occurring, before : (i) the ordinal marker -tyor and also before -do ‘ten’ and (ii) -i- two’ when the numerals have the structure respectively of A + B and A + (AXB), as in:
  cwtyor   ‘fourth’
cwdo     ‘fourteen’
cwis     ‘twenty four’
(iii) coli-, a unique bound form occurs, before -s ‘ten’ when the numeral has the structure of A X B, as in:
  colis   ‘forty’

The numeral was ‘five’ has four positional variants. These are: was, p*nd-, ponca- and ponc-. All the three bound forms are unique bound forms. The distribution of these are as under:
(i) was is a free form occurring in the slots of both the nouns and the adjectives, as in:
  was pora   ‘from five’
was suali   ‘five girls’
(ii) pnd-, occurs before -ro ‘ten’ when the numeral has the structure of A + B, as in:
  pndro   ‘fifteen’
(iii) ponca-occurs before-s ‘ten’ when the numeral has the structure of  A X B, as in :
  poncas   ‘fifty’
(iv) ponc-occurs as the first element before -i- ‘two’, when the numeral has the structure of A + (A X B), as in:
  poncis   ‘twenty five’
The numeral choy ‘six’ has three positional variants. These are
choy, hul 1 and hat-. The distribution of these are as under:
(i) choy is a free form occurring in the slots of both nouns and adjectives, as in :
  coy pora   ‘from six’
coy suali   ‘six girls’ etc.
  chy also occurs before the bound form -i- ‘two’ when the numeral has the struture of A + (A X B), as in :
  choyis   ‘twenty six’
(ii) hul-a bound form occurring before -lo2 when the numeral ahs the structure of A + B, as in:
  hathi   ‘sixty’

The numeral sat ‘seven’ has three positional variants, viz., sat, huto-and hotu-. The distribution of these are stated below :
(i) sat is a free form occurring in the slots of both a noun and an adjective, as in:
  sat pora   ‘from seven’
sat suali   ‘seven girls’ etc.
(ii) hotu-, a bound form occurring before -r ‘ten’ when the numeral has the structure of A X B, as in :
  hotur   ‘seventy’
(iii) huto- another bound form, occurring before -ro ‘ten’ and -i- ‘two’ when the numerals have the structure respectively of A + B and A + (A X B), as in :
hutoro   ‘seventeen’
hutois   ‘twenty seven’

hullo ‘sixteen’ is not considered a monomorphemic word, as it would then be the only numeral within the teens having a monomorphemic word. Since this numeral doesn’t have nay partial phonemic-semantic similarity with any other numeral, its segmentation into two numerals must necessarily have to be arbitrary. hati ‘sixty’ is segmented as hat-i so that while hat- ‘six’ becomes a unique morpheme, -i ‘ten’ would also occur with s- ‘eight’ in the numeral si ‘eighty’.

2The segmentation of hullo ‘sixteen’ into hul- and -lo is arbitrary. It was, however, segmented out of consideration for pattern congruity

3 The segmentation of hotur ‘seventy’ is also arbitrary.


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