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These fractions could be used along with full numbers to form compound fractions, as in:
tini ru pua ‘three and a quarter’
ek ru pua ‘one and a quarter’
do ada/do ru ada ‘two and a half’
tini ada/tini ru ada ‘three and a half’
tini ru tin pua1 ‘three and three quarter’ etc.

The particle bar follows the numeral concerned to indicate the number of times an act is performed, as in :
ek bar ‘once’ tini bar ‘thrice’
duy bar ‘twice’ tis bar ‘thirty times’

Positional variants of the numerals.

The numeral ek ‘one’ has five positional variants, viz., ek, onn-on-ega- and poy-. The distribution of these are stated below:
(i) ek, a free form, occurs alone and also before -oy- ‘two; when the numeral has the morphological construction of A +(A X B),
  ek suali     ‘one girl’
ekoys       ‘twenty one’
(ii) ega-, a bound form, occurs before ro ‘ten’ when the numeral has the morphological construction of A+B, eg.
  egaro      ‘eleven’
(iii) onn-and on-, two bound forms occur as the first element respectively before -oy- ‘two’ and elswhere when the numeral has the construction of -A + (A X B), as in :
  onnoys    ‘nineteen’
ontis       ‘twentynine’
oncalis    ‘thirtynine’ etc.
(iv) poy--, a unique bound2 form which occurs before the ordinal marker la, another unique bound form, as in :
  poyla     ‘first’

The numeral two has seven positional variants, viz., duy, ba-b-,-oy-,di-,c«w-, -i-. The distribution of these forms are as under:
(i) duy is a free form and occurs both in the nominal and the determiner slots, as in :
  duy pora    ‘from two’
duy suali    ‘two girls’
  1 When the fraction 3/4 forms part of a compound fraction, the particle ‘and’ is obligatory.

2 In as much as these two forms occurs only in this compound and nowhere else, these two forms are treated as unique bound forms.

(ii) ba-a, unique bound form occurs as the first element before -ro ‘ten’ when the structure of the numeral has the relationship of A+B, as in :
  ba + ro    ‘baro’    ‘twelve’
(iii) bi--, a unique bound form occurs as the first element before -s ‘ten’, when the structure of the numeral has the relationship of AXB, as in :
  bis   ‘twenty’
(iv) b-, a unique bound form, occurs as the first element after the numeral oy- ‘two’ when the structure of the numeral has the relationship of A + (AXB), as in:
  boys   ‘twenty two’
(v) -i-, a bound form occurs, as the second element after the numerals  te- ‘three’, cw ‘four’, ponc- ‘five’, coy- ‘six’ when the structure of the numeral shows the relationship of A + (A X B), as in:
  teis      ‘twenty three’
cwis   ‘twenty four’
ponics  ‘twenty five’
coyis    ‘twenty six’
(vi) -oy-, yet another bound form occurs, elsewhere as the second element, viz., after ek - ‘one’, b- ‘two’, hut- ‘seven’ at- ‘eight’ when the structure of the numerals has the relationship of A + (A X B), as in :
  ekoys   ‘twenty one’
boys    ‘twenty two’
hutyos ‘twenty seven’
atoys   ‘twenty eight’
(vii) di-, a unique bound form, occurs before the ordinal marker -tyor, as in:
  dityor   ‘second’

The numeral tini ‘three’ has three positional variants viz. tini, te- and tri-. The distribution of these positional variants are as under

tini is a free form capable of occurring in the slots of both a noun and an adjective, as in:
  tini pora   ‘from three’
tini suali   ‘three girls’

te- is a bound form occurring before ro- ‘ten’ and before -i- ‘two with the nominals having the structure respectively. of A + B and A + (A X B), as in:
  tero   ‘thirteen’
teis   ‘twenty three’

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