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/ch/ : [ch] [chenda] /chenda/ ‘hollow’
[cha.ra.chari] /charachari/ ‘divorce’
/kh/ : [kh] [khira] /khira/ ‘cucumber’
[khukha] /khukha/ ‘cough’
[rkhi] /rkhi/ ‘concubine’
[ta.rikh] /tarikh/ ‘date’

Nasals :

There are three nasals in this language, viz., m, n, All the nasals are voiced, but voicing is not a relevant feature with the nasals. Aspiration is not available with the nasals even at the phonetic level. The three nasals do not have any special limitations in their distribution except that the velar nasal does not occur in word-initial position. The nasals do not have any perceptible positional variants, e.g.,

/m/ : [m] [ma.jed] /majed/ ‘across’
[mikuri] /mikuri/ ‘cat’
[dmki] /dmki/ ‘jerk’
[lUm] /lum/ ‘fur’
[slvm] /sim/ ‘beans’
/n/ : [n] [] /nabi/ ‘navel’
[nyUl] /nyul/ ‘mongoose’
[suna] /suna/ ‘ear ring’
[ta.n] /tan/ ‘hard’
// : [] [bea] /bea/ ‘deaf’
[slv] /si/ ‘horn’
[Ur] /ur/ ‘grape’ etc.

Fricatives :

There are three fricatives in this language, viz, s, š and h. In terms of the place of articulation, these are respectively : dental, palatal and glottal. For the sake of pattern congruity, the glottal fricative is treated at the phonemic level as the velar fricative. All the three fricatives in this language are unvoiced, but unvoicing is not a pertinent feature with the fricatives in this language. While the dental fricatives s does not have any special limitation in its distribution, the other two fricatives, viz., š and h do not occur in the word-final position. The three fricatives do not have any perceptible positional variants, e.g.,
/s/ : [s] [somoy] /somoy/ ‘time’
[bisa] /bisa/ ‘caterpillar’
[ga.s] /gas/ ‘tree’
/š/ : [š] [ša.di] /šadi/ ‘marriage’
[šes] /šes/ ‘over’
[biša.s] /bišas/ ‘faith’
[lši] /lši/ ‘lazy’
/h/ : [h] [ha.ra] /hara/ ‘bone’
[heg] /heg/ ‘last’
[puhu] /puhu/ ‘deer’
[jšha.s] /jhas/ ‘ship’ etc.

Flap :

The only available in this language is a voiced alveolar one, viz., r. This, however, has been placed in the dental slot for the sake of pattern congruity. It has a trilled form [r] as a positional variant when it occurs in intervocal position when both the preceding and succeeding vowels are of the same height. This consonants does not have any special limitations in its occurrence, e.g.,

/r/ : [r] [r] /r/ ‘again’
[borop] /borop/ ‘ice’
[r] [] /rani/ ‘queen’
[bera] /bera/ ‘fence’
[kUkUr] /kukur/ ‘dog’ etc.

Lateral :

The only lateral available in this language is a voiced alveolar lateral, which, for the sake of pattern congruity, is placed in the dental slot. It has neither any special limitation in its distribution, nor any perceptible positional variants, e.g.,

/l/ : [l] [] /lage/ ‘want’
[culi] /culi/ ‘bald’
[guli] /guli/ ‘bullet’
[dUl] /dul/ ‘drum’ etc.

Approximants :

There are two approximants in this language, viz., w, y. These two approximants do not have any special limitations in their distributions. Each of them has a corresponding non-syllabic vowel as the positional variant, for instance, [], a non-syllabic back close vowel occurs as a positional variant of /w/ and [] a non-syllabic front close vowel occurs as the positional variant of /y/ before a consonant.

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