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  3S4 (i)   VP ®  VCo


A Verb Complex is taken as the combination of the verb with all the non-valence-marking nominals and adverbials like the instrument, locative, manner, ablative, and so on.


`(it) rained’

 /bilyį1    tejyabky2     dra   karaso4/
`(it)  rained4    heavily3   in  Tezu2  yesterday1

If the verb is marked intrasitive, the Verb Phrase contains just as intransitive VC with an optional NP.

                                3S4     (ii)    VP ®   (NP+) VC1
                                3S4b      s [NP, (NP), VC1]s
 /taméy1    so2/
`the   elephant1    slept2

The sentence will contain the dative NP if the verb is further specified as a motion verb.

 /jyimcyane1    hi2    bóliyą3/.
`Jimchane went3   to   the   forest2

The VP of an intransitive sentence  can also contain a nomial predictatewith or without an existential verb
                                  3S4       (iii)    VP ®   NP + (be)
                                  3S4c          [NP, NP, (be)]
                                                 S                   S   
The nominal predicate can be -


A locative adverbial.

 /éwčgõ1   majyąrįykwč2    ą3/
`here1   is  a   cat2

(ii) An equational Noun Phrase

 /h1    myąwč2   gwįg3/
`my1    wife2   (is)  a   priestess3

(iii) A possessive Noun Phrase.

/h1    myąkąsą2    3/
I-Nom wife-three be-P
`I1    have3   three wives2

If the verb is marked transitive, the VP will contain an accusative NP and a transitive VC.

                                3S4       (iv)     VP ®   NP+VC2
                                3S4d         s[NP, NP, VC2]s                         
/h1    tamyā  óde3/
I-Nom tiger-Acc shoot-Fut
`I1    shall   shoot  a   tiger2
 /kath1    jym2   maróyą3/
`the  ant1    tells the   truth2

If the verb is marked recipient transitive, the VP will contain an accusative NP, a dative NP
and a recipient trasitive VC.

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