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A Noun Phrase, in addition to the head noun, can contain a second `modifier’ noun or a pronoun before it.


 NP ®

 { N } + N         {Pron }  
Such appositional Noun Phrases show -
(i) Possession - both alienable as well as inalienable.
/macył1   rįwł2/ `deer horn2
[mod] [head]
/h  kitab2/ `my book2
[head] [head]
(ii) Kinship
/cyį1   mķyą2/ `his1    wife2
[mod] [head]
/nyś yuwą2/ `your1   son2
[mod] [head]

(iii) Social membership .

/h1    parõ2/ `my1   friend2
[mod] [head]

(iv) Filial relationship - where the head noun is conceived of as an offspring of the modifier.

/macył    ą/ `fawn’
deer   ofspring  
/macįb   ą/ `calf’
cow    offspring
(v) Occupation
/masį   mitr/ `carpenter’
wood   mason  
/sįyg   mitr/ `blacksmith’
iron   mason  
(vi) Differentiation.
/macįb   į/ `cow shed’
cow house  
/garwi   į/ `stable’
horse   house  
/tįphra    macyg/ `river water’
river water

(vii) Composition.
/macyg   tįphra/ `river (which contains water)’
water river


Verb Phrase (VP) - Predicate
The composition of the Verb Phrase depends upon the valency of the Verb Complex (VC). In Mishmi each verb has a fixed valency. There are derivational suffixes that change the valency - for instance, a transitive very (say, /syé-/ `to kill’) plus reflexivizer yields an intransitive stem (/syétyu-/ `to commit suicide’). Here the term valency is used to refer to the transitivity of the stem after all the derivational processes have been applied.
If the verb is marked ambient, the Verb Phrase which forms the sentence contains only a
Verb Complex.

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