(134) |
/n 1
bóde3/ |
`we1 go3
to Tezu2’
(135) |
masį sy gwčlą 2
kat gharimde3/ |
`you1 collect3
Continuous :
The continuous aspect indicates that the event or action
is in the course of happening at the time referred to by the speaker. This
aspect is associated with a three-way tense apposition, viz., past, present
and future. This aspect is restricted to action and process verbs and is
marked by the suffix /-börö/.
(i) The past continuous is realized from the recent past.
(136) |
/h 1
tap 2
/`I1 was eating3
(137) |
į 2
hanįsobiri3/ |
`he1 was coming3
(ii) The present continuous is realized from the
immediate future.
(138) |
tap 2
thįdebiri3/ |
`you1 are eating3
(139) |
mlā2 hanįąbiri3/ |
`the elephant-herd1
is coming to
the village2’
(140) |
/n 1
p yawčlą 2
ódebiri3/ |
are shooting birds2’
(iii) The future continuous is
realized from the distant future.
(141) |
/h 1
tap 2
thįnebiri3/ |
`I1 shall be eating3
(142) |
tap 2
thįyąbiri3/ |
`you1 will be eating3
(143) |
/wé1 iskul2
bób biri3/ |
`he1 will be going3
to school2’
Repetitive-Durative :
This aspect indicates a repeated or sustained happening
of the event over a period of time. This aspect does not occur with sensory,
existential and qualitative states and terminal processes. The aspect is
exclusively durative with cognitive and ambient states, processes and
sensory actions. It is ambiguously repetitive and durative with motion
verbs. With all other verbs, it is repetitive. The aspect is marked by the
suffix /-ma/ and is associated with a tense inflexion for past and future
realized from the recent past and immediate future respectively. The
following set of examples illustrate this.