when the subject is human.
(109) |
/h wč1
masą ząk2
de3/ |
`I1 am3
in the tree2’
(110) |
de3/ |
`you1 are3
in the field2’
(111) |
į ū2
yą3/ |
at home2’
Non-human subjects are associated
with a syncretic form /-ą/ of the verb and the tense suffix.
(112) |
/kathķ wč1
hibį kwẽ2
ą3/ |
`the ant1
is3 in the forest2’
(113) |
/taméy č1
įmągõ2 ą3/ |
`the elephant1
is3 here2’
(114) |
/kitabwč1 phl kw 2
ą3/ |
`the book1
is3 in the bag2’
Future tense is marked by
the suffixes /-ne/ when the subject is first person singular pronominal ;
(115) |
/h wč1
hrigne2/ |
`I shall be startled2’
(116) |
/h wč1
įsi gõ2
nyśtyu3 rśgane4/ |
`I1 shall love4
only you3 in my life2’
(117) |
/h wč1
bśtył2 jy m3 kasąne4/ |
`sometime2 I1
shall learn4 the truth3’
/-ke/ when the subject is first
person plural pronominal;
(118) |
/n wč1
khimyõrẽke2/ |
`we1 shall be angry2’
(119) |
/n wč1
kasąrẽke3/ |
`we1 shall know3
/-ya/ when the subject is second
person ;
(120) |
įsi ū2
helóyą3/ |
`you1 will be happy3
in life2’
(121) |
/įnčwč1 dłkarẽyą2/ |
will be unhappy2’
(122) |
/įnčwč1 mlāząk2
yą3/ |
will be3
in the village2
/-b /
and /-biya/ when the subject is third person :
(123) |
dłkabiyay m3/ |
will never be sad
(will not be sad3 ever2)’
(124) |
/cyįwč1 mįtył2
kasąbiya3/ |
`he1 will know3
(125) |
/cyįlą wč1
chint k 2
rśgab 3/ |
will love3 Chinese2’
Sentence (125) occurs as part of an
implicated sentence.