/-yą/ when the subject is second
(95) |
į 2
hanįyą3/ |
come-DF |
`you1 will come3
(96) |
/įnč1 jy m2
maróyą3/ |
shall tell3
the truth2'
/-b /
and /-biya/ when the subject is third person. These suffixes
are in free variation.
(97a) |
į 2
bób 3/ |
`he1 will go3
(97b) |
į 2
bóbiya3/ |
go-DF |
will go3 home2’
A different system of tense
distinctions operates for a subset of verbs. The verbs in question, the
cognitive, sensory, existential and ambient states, do not exhibit a four
way tense distinction, but a three way one for past-present-future
apposition without the corresponding continuous aspect inflexion.
(v) Past tense is marked by the
suffix /-so/ :
(98) |
/jyimcyanewč1 jy m2
kasąso3/ |
the truth2’
(99) |
/jyimcyanewč1 b rõy 2
rśgaso3/ |
the niaid2’
(100) |
/b yą yągõ1
jyįbmalł2 helóso3/ |
`long ago1
Jabmalu2 was happy3’
(vi) Present tense is marked by
suffixes which are governed by concord restrictions :
/-de/ occurs with non-third person
(101) |
/h wč1
dįykt k 2 kasąde3/ |
`I1 know3
the Mishmi language2’
(102) |
/nyśwč1 é2
m yąą3 rśgade4/ |
this2 girl3’
(103) |
/h wč1 masy
tyóde2/ |
am hungry2’
(104) |
/n wč1
sy de2/ |
`we1 are fair2’
(105) |
/įnčwč1 prąde2/ |
`you1 are good2’
/-yą/ occurs with third person
(106) |
h 2
įy 3 rśgayą4/ |
`he1 loves4
my2 daughter3’
(107) |
/macy gwč1 thaygayą2/ |
`the water1
is hot2’
(108) |
/jyimcyanewč1 dłkayą2/ |
`Jimchane1 is sad2’
The existential verb has a different
tense distribution. The above suffixes occur only