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/prą/ `good’
/dra/ `big’

`red’ Quantifiers :
These are adjectives which indicate -

The quantity of the objects being represented by the noun;

/cu / `all’
/kįdg/ `all’



A collection or group of the objects/beings represented by the noun;

/tarab/ `herd of wild animals’

`herd of domestic animals’


The number of objects/beings represented by the noun.

/kh/ `one’
/kąsą/  `three’
2.2.3.  Structure of Adjectives :
An adjective, in Mishmi, contains a stem or a combination of stems and various affixes. Its structure has only the inner layer of stem formation. The structure centers on stem morphemes and the morphological processes that modify such stems to form stems of varying complexity. These processes modify the semantic content of the stem.  Simple Stems :
These are monomorphemic stems with no analyzable inner structure. A very large number of adjectives belong to this group. They include
(i) Qualifiers -
/prą/ `good’


Quantifiers including the basic numerals and the basic ordinal numbers; they include:
The quantity of the objects represented by the noun,



/kįdg/ `all’


A collection of the articles or beings represented by the noun,
/tarab/ `herd of wild animals’

`herd of domestic animals’


Cardinal numbers, and
/kh/ `one’
/kąy/ `two’
/kąsą/ `three’
/kąprayk/ `four’
/mįa/ `five’
/tahro/ `six’
/w/ `seven’
/lim/ `eight’
/kinyā/ `nine’
/hįla/ `ten’






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