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When one of the Noun Phrases is qualitatively different, the compared Noun Phrase takes suffix /-li/ which may be translated into English as `than’.

 /h  myąwč1  nyś myąli2  digyõ sy3/
Nom Comp more fair
`my wife1  is fairer3  than your wife2

Note that the adjectival marking for comparison is only for a greater degree. To say `my wife is less beautiful than your wife’ is only possible in the form of `your wife is more beautiful than my wife’

/aniniwč1  tejyabli digyõ   z3/
Nom Comp more cold
`Anini1   is colder than Tezu2

/taméy1   macyłli2  dra3/
Nom Comp big-Comp
`an elephant  is bigger3   than a deer2

/cyįwč1  nyśli2 dgyõ  cima3/
Nom Comp more
`he1  is sleepier3  than you2


Nature of Adjectives :

Adjectives, as a class, consist of all such words whose function in the language is to modify nouns. They specify value (`good’, `bad’); age (`old’, `new’); human propensities (`happy’, `sad’, `angry’, and so on); physiological states (`sleepy’, `drowsy’, `hungry’); physical properties (`light’, `sweet’, `bitter’, `ugly’); states resulting from actions (`completed’, `broken’, `full’); dimension (`small’, `big’, `long’); position and posture (`near’, `inside of’); speed (`fast’, `slow’); numerals (`one’, `two’ and a full set of derived ordinal numerals (`first’, `second’); and colour terms. The basic colour terms are abstract like `white’, `black’ and `fair’, the others being described by common nouns used adjectivally.

Adjectives follow the noun in the phrase structure except /cu/ and /kįdg/ `all’, i.e., Noun + X + Adj where `X’ is the cover symbol whose occurrence is determined by the other two constituents (See, classifiers in and Noun Phrase 3.2).

/mlā dra/ `big village’
 dõ-mįa/  `five houses’


Classification of Adjectives :
Adjectives can be classified under two major heads semantically.

Qualifiers :
These comprise the adjectives which indicate the qualities of the nouns associated with them





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