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 ai1 mozü2 le-ie3 (ana)4 obu-no5 ho-te6
  I1 want to3 piss2 (but)4 there is no6 place5


 nili-no1 ni-yi2 mono3 le-ie4 (ana)5 pfo-no 6 ovo7 pfu-lo8 mo-ie9
  Nili1 wants to4 marry3 you,2 (but)5 he6 has not9 got8 (a) job7


 mahibo-no1 maia-yi2 macü3 le ie4 (ana) 5 okhro hoe 6
  Mathibo1 wants to4 kiss3 Matia2 but5 does not have the courage/is not
7.  kaikho-no1 ni-yi2 so khro3 le ie4 (ana)5 pfo6 he7 bu8 le9 -moe10
  Kaikho1 wants to4 help 3 you2 (but)5 he6 will9 not10 be8 here7

     The Desiderative without the thwarting condition is not grammaticalised but is expressed by the lexical verbs of conation ni ‘to want ; to desire’ and odzü pa ‘to like’ following the verb expressive of the desired action. odzü pa is postposed to the verbal participle and ni to the verb root.


1.  ai1 imela2 graamar3 kazhü4 kali56 ni-we7
I1 am wanting to7 write6 a 5 good 4 Mao Naga2 grammar3


 alemo-hi1 ovo2 hrü-(lo)3 ni-we4
Alemo1 is wanting to4 buy3 (a) pig2


pfo1 rashü2 to3 ni-we4
he1 is wanting to4 eat3 (a) fruit(s)2


 ai1 ico2 mikrü-li3 lo4 ni-we5
I1 am wanting to5 go down4 to Imphal3 now2


maia1 mozü2 ni-we3
Matia1 is wanting to3 pass water2


 ai1 ni-yi 2 mono3 ni-we4
I1 am wanting to4 marry3 you(sg.)2
odzü pa
  7.  ai1 na pfoo-na-hi2 ocü ko-kru3 dzü pae4 (kru ‘to separate from’)
my1 son2 wants to4 be separate from the rest of the family members3
8.  ai1 ocü2 kocuoko3 ka-pe4 dzü pae5 (pe ‘to speak’)
I1 ‘d like to5 speak4 a few 3 words2
9.  pfo-hi1 ico-no2 ka-ta3 dzü pae4 (ta ‘to go away’)
he1 would like to4 leave3 now 2
  10.  a1 na pfoo-na-hi2 ojü3 du-ko-krü/dukrü-co4 dzü pae5 7 (dukrü ‘to divide (as land)’)
my1 son 2 wants to5 divide4 (the) land 3
The Permissive
     The mood of Permission which expresses permission on the part of the referent of the subject of the sentence is formally, typically, though not always, the same as the syntactic causative  the DO marked by peno and the verb in the imperative.


1.  pfoyi peno1 ta io2 let2 her1 go 2


 piiar peno1 rü-lo2 let Peter1 write2
  3.  pfota-yi peno1 oho ozhi zhi-lo2 let2 them (excl. pl.)1 have a brief nap 2
  4.  pfohi-yi peno1 vu adzü-lo2 let2 them (du.)1 marry (sbj:du)2
  5.  lopüiyi peno1 olo so-o2 let2 her1 sing2
  6.  ayi peno1 to-o2 let2 me1 eat 2
  7.  hreli peno1 hayi2 sho3 let3 Hreli1 imbibe3 ricebeer 2
  8.  pfohi)-yi peno1 a2 he3 vu-lo4 let4 them(du.)1 come4 to3 me2

As in Angami, typically the permissive and the syntactic causative are formally identical.
100  1
pfohi-yi peno vu adzü-lo
1. let them(du.) marry (intr. & sbj: du)
      2.  make them marry
 pfo-yi peno ta-io
1. let her sing
      2.  make her sing
pfo-yi peno (mo)-rü-o
1.  let him write
      2.  make him write
losa(-yi) peno ola (mo-)so le
    (we) will make/let Losa sing



     Note incidentally that with the verb ni ‘want’, the progressive aspect (marked by -we in the above examples) is more felicitous, although the simple present (formally identical with the simple past) is possible too. On the contrary, with the verb odzü pa  ‘to like; the simple present forms are more felicitous, although the present progressive forms are possible too.






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