28. |
osa so |
‘ be fall’ |
osa (so) moso
‘cause to be tall
or cause to be long’ |
29. |
osa dzü
‘be short’ |
osamo-dzü |
‘cause to be short’ |
30. |
pe |
‘speak’ |
ma-pe |
‘to cause to speak’ |
31. |
shü |
‘be bad’ |
(so) ma-shü |
‘cause to be head;
to spoil’ |
ci |
‘to wet’ |
ma-ci |
‘cause to be wet’ |
ozhi |
‘to sleep’ |
ma-zhi |
‘to cause to sleep’ |
34. |
ti |
‘be small’ |
ma-ti |
‘cause to be small’ |
35. |
jü |
‘be big’ |
ma-jü |
‘cause to be big’ |
36. |
ti |
‘be black’ |
ma-ti |
‘cause to be black;
be blacken’ |
37. |
kra |
‘be white’ |
ma-kra |
‘cause to be white;
whiten’ |
38. |
zü |
‘to lie down’ |
mo-zü |
‘to cause to lie down’ |
39. |
tu |
‘to run’ |
mo-tu |
‘to cause to run’ |
40. |
ku |
‘be cold’ |
(so) mo-ku |
‘cause to be
cold’ |
41. |
cu |
‘be complete’ (intr.) |
mo-cu (cause) to (be)
complete’ (tr.) |
Note that the causativizer is ma-, if the verb
root has a front or low vowel and mo-, if it has
a nonfront or high vowel.Typically, the above have a cause
+ happen configuration so that causativization is co-extensive
with transitivization. There is, however, a limited class
of the transitivized verbs,
38. |
jü |
‘be big’ (intr.) |
ma-jü |
‘be as big as’ (tr.)’ |
Presumably all causatives are transitives ipso facto.
But Mao has atleast one morphological causative verb which,
on overt evidence, is not transitive; the verb is mo-kro
‘cause to go/up’ from kro’ go/come up’
39. |
kheto mo-kro-e
‘(the) cooked rice
is coming/going up |
having been caused
to come/go up’ |
The Syntactic Causative |
The syntactic
causative has three sub-classes : a. the direct object being
either subject or not subject to morphological causativization.
b. the verb so ‘to do’ being preposed to the intrasitive
verb root and c. the verb pi ‘to give’ being postposed
to the intrasitive verb root.
a. |
40 |
.1. |
pfo-no2 ayi peno3
manini-yi4 mono-we5
father2 is making
0 me3
marry5 Manini4
pii ar-yi
peno2 oshumüi3
he4 shüpüie5
the (excl.pl.)1
made0 Peter2
speak5 to4
(the) stranger3
3. |
pfo-yi peno1
ma2 -pe-hio3 |
him1 tell3 |
4. |
sübu va2 ona o-yi
peno3 mo-ku4
/ku pra-we5 |
made4 the child3
shin up5 (the)
tree2 |
5. |
nili-yi peno2
hayi3 mo
4 -shoe5
made4 Nili2
drink5 ricebeer3
6. |
adani-yi peno2
oso3 sher4
cüro/cüa 5 mo
6 -pfüe
7 |
made6 Adani2
carry on back7
ten5 seers of
4 meat3
7. |
pfoyi2 peno2
mo 3 -rüe
4 |
we (excl. prn. &
excl. pl.)1 made3
her2 write4
8. |
ayi peno1
ora2 mo3
-ro2 -sho4
make3 me1
angry2 , don’t4
anger2, 3 me1
9. |
pfoyi peno2 sokama-sü
{ pe-phra-o ie
}3 |
} |
{ pe-mani-o ie
} |
we (excl. prn. &
excl. pl.)1made0
confess(his) mistakes3