8. |
heni he-püi/he-po
‘towards Heni’ |
9. |
ojü pfoki
he-püi/he-po |
‘towards (the) mountain’ |
10. |
bas he-püi/he-po
‘towards (the) bus’ |
Extent is indicated by the sequence he + motion
verb + kotu ‘upto’
485 |
1. |
ok ar
he ko kotu |
‘upto the doctor’ |
2. |
he lo kotu |
‘upto Dimapur’ |
3. |
he pra kotu |
‘upto (the) Hospital’ |
4. |
korü he
kotu |
‘upto (the) river’ |
5. |
larücü he ko kotu
‘upto (the) school’ |
6. |
bosko he pra kotu |
‘upto Don Bosco’ |
7. |
oracüe he
khru kotu |
‘upto the sky’ |
Temporal Extent is
indicated |
by kotu
‘till/upto’ |
486. |
1. |
izho kotu |
‘till today’ |
2. |
baji coku kotu |
‘till nine o’clock’ |
Illative which expresses ‘motion into’ is indicated by le-li,
which is made up of ole ‘inside’ and li
for NP’s which take -li for allation and by le-li
following he for NP’s which take he for allation.
487 |
.a.1. |
lolia he
le-li |
‘into Lolia’ |
2.a |
he le-li
‘into me’ |
3. |
cü he le-li
‘into (the) house’ |
4. |
pfoki he le-li
‘into (the) mountain’ |
b.1. |
larücü le-li
‘into (the) school’ |
2. |
cars le-li
‘into (the) church’ |
3. |
duka le-li
‘into (the) shop’ |
4. |
korü le-li
‘into (the) river’ |
The latter, i.e. the b examples are, however, only more
explicitly illative and to that extent redundant, since,
for instance, larücü li itself means ‘motion
(in)to’ as a function of the contrast with larücü
he ‘near’ (the) school ; ‘motion into’ and ‘motion to’ an
inanimate object are essentially the same (unless it is
impregnableeg. mountain), as ‘motion to’ without meaning
‘motion into’ is usually expressed linguistically by ‘motion
upto’near’. Further, the illative for inanimate objects
and for nonmotion, transfer-of-possession verbs is marked
by likhi ‘into’.
488 |
likhi2 hoe3 |
‘have/has put3
(it) in2 the
box1 |
Finally, objects which are considered to be high up according
to the world-view of the speaker are marked for allation
by phe ‘on top of’ or the less elegant va
‘on an exterior surface of ’ thus,
okhro2 phe
/ va(?)3 } |
488 |
{ cühi)
phe/va (?) } |
le5 |
ovu phe / va (?) } |
{ moon }
2 |
will5 go up4
to3 (the)1
{ sun } |
{(the) stars)
} |
The Locative |
locative is expressed by (a) literally ‘on an exterior surface’
for objects which are high up according to the world-view
of the speaker, (b) by li ‘in’ for other objects,
for no epistemic stative verbs and (c) by he for
the noun cü ‘house’
490 |
a.1. |
racüe2 va3
bue4 |
(the) moon1
is4 in3
the sky 2 |
2. |
racüe2 va3
bue4 |
(the) stars1
are4 in3
the sky2 |
3. |
racüe2 va3
bue4 |
is4 in3
heaven2 |
b.1. |
saba3 kali4
bue4 1
there is5
one4 shawl3
in2 (the) basket |
2. |
taaj mahal1
aagra2 -li3
bue4 |
Taj Mahal1
is4 in3
Agra2 |
3. |
bue4 |
is4 in3
(the) IB2 |
4. |
ojü2 koso3-li4
bu5 -li6
if 6
you1 stay in4
hot3 weather2
(you) |
ti- i7
le8 2 2 |
darken7 |
22. |
A single clause expression
like |
(ojü)2 koso3-li4
ti- i-we5
blackens5 in4
hot3 weather2
is not totally felicitous in Mao. The meaning requires a
two-clause formalization (490b.4), but even if it is acceptable,
as it is for some speakers, the case marker would be -li
and not -lino. On the other hand, -lino
and not -li marks locative in the past and -li
and not -lino in the future tense.
omüi (ojü)
koso lino ti- ie
‘men darkened in hot weather’ |
omüi (ojü)
koso li ti i
le ‘men will darken in hot weather’