for example,
the village whereas ata iniu
denotes a subset of a different set, a
village, for example, in a group of villages.
We shall call a pronoun marked for the
exclusive-inclusive distinction with respect
to the speaker’s interlocutor exclusive
or inclusive pronoun excl or incl prn
for short, and a pronoun marked for the
exclusive-inclusive distinction with respect
to the (exclusive) part-(inclusive) whole
relationship exclusive or inclusive plural
or excl. or incl. pl, for short. An exclusive
pronoun could be marked for inclusive
plurality and an inclusive pronoun for
exclusive plurality. akhrumüi
‘we (excl. prn. & incl. pl.)’ illustrates
the former and ita (müi) ‘we(incl.
prn. & excl. pl.) the latter. -khru
typically also that the referents are
all present at the place of the speech,
act, unlike ta. Thus nikhrumüi
‘you (incl, pl.)’ would mean all its referents
are present; it does not refer to anyone
not present whereas nitamüi ‘you(’
could. For these two reasons viz. that
it signals a large, inclusive set and
that it typically indicates presence,
pronouns with -khru are not very
common. akhrumüi ‘we(excl. prn
& incl. pl.), for instance, is statistically
far less frequent than atamüi
‘we (excl. prn & excl. pl). Further,
plural pronouns marked by ta, typically,
carry a signification of disrespect, disgust
or frivolity. ita (müi), for
instance, is often light to the point
of frivolity and not serious, dignified.
The dignified counterparts of such pronouns
(i.e. those marked by ta) are those marked
by ta followed by -khru. Thus,
itakhrumüi, in contrast with
itamüi, has deep, dignified signification.
Similarly, nitakhrumüi and pfotakhrumüi
carry an overtone of respect unlike nitamüi
by -müi, the former is more contumely.
Thus pfota is more contumely
than pfotamüi. However, atakhrumüi
and atamüi do not contrast in terms of
the emotional load elucidated above, atakhrumüi
and atamüi being used in church
services, prayers to god etc. Pronouns
marked by ta also signify a class,
a section of people, but a class larger
than those marked by ta and smaller than
those marked by -khru. Thus,
itamüi typically signifies a
smaller set than ilekhrumüi which in turn
signifies a set smaller than ikhrumüi.
Forms with l®
are usually or typically spoken by elders.
They may be translated into, English as
‘we people’ ‘you people’, ‘they people’,
the appositive ‘people’ being taken to
mean a class eg. workers, students, harlots,
females, cultivators, carpenters, govt.
servents. Note that there is no form like
alekhrumüi, akhrumüi
and i have the same signification
except that the use of i does not imply
the presence of the referents while that
of akhrumüi does excepting special
cases like akhrumüi pfo ‘our
father (= god)’. Finally, nilēi®khrumüi
composed of nilē
‘you people’ and khrumüi is an
inclusive pronoun signifying inclusive