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339  korü ‘river’

{ khru }


korü- { } -sü


{ ta }

340 ojü pfoki ‘mountain’
  ojü pfoki-na-sü  
  ojü pfoki-hĩ-sü  

{ khru }


ojü pfoki- { } -sü


{ ta }

341. tukrü ‘cow’

{ khru }


tukrü- { } -sü


{ ta }

342 ovo ‘pig’

{ khru }


ovo- { } -sü


{ ta }


zeil sing-sü1 ahie2 -koe

 ‘who2 [is] Zail Singh ?1

where the speaker does not know who Zail Singh is, but has only heard the name broached somewhere.
344 mahibo -sü1 ai3 sü-we2


I 3 know4 Mathibo1 vaguely2


[ = I have indistinct memories about Mathibo]’
345 ahikho-sü   ni-yi   larübvü-i   pi  ho  moe


‘did  Athikho  give  you  the  book  or   not ?’

where - indicates the uncertainty, vagueness that the speaker feels about the person who performed the action of the sentence ; the speaker is guessing.

-hi is pragmatically anaphoric in that it refers back to no phonic antecedent ; it refers directly to [nonlinguistic] referents defined with [spatial] reference to the speaker. -i is pragmatically anaphoric too but not spatially diectic. The nonlinguistic referent that it signals if defined with reference to the preknowledge of the interlocutors. It can occur in the opening sentence of a discourse/dialogue setting. - could be anaphoric either linguistically or pragmatically, i.e., the NP to which - attaches may have a linguistic or pragmatic antecedent. The individuators can be added to proper nouns and pronouns.

346 a.  ashuli-hi Ashuli who [a] is visibly present or
      [b] nonvisibly present or present hereabouts.


b. ashuli-i Ashuli who is not visible/demonstrable but whom
      both the interlocutors have at least seen and typically know further about


c.  ashuli-su' Ashuli who is not at the place of the speech
      act and about whom the speaker doesn’t know
      anything but has only heard or knows remarkably
      little or has vague memories having known him
      long ago or who is the object of the speaker’s
      unsure guesses.

Note that the explanatory relative clauses following the proper noun, ashuli ‘Ashuli’ are descriptive rather than restrictive and hence set off by commas.
347 a. pfo-hi ‘he/she’ who is [a] visibly present
      or [b] hereabouts’


b.  pfo-i ‘he/she who is not visible/demonstrable but

whom both the interlocutors have atleast seen,

      and typically know further about’

Note that the deictic -i can not be added to proper nouns.


‘Ashuli, who is near the listener’






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