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The Central Institute of Indian Languages is engaged in the description and teaching of, material production in and interdisciplinary research on Indian Lanugages. The ultimate aim in all these activities is to help the development of Indian languages. The research results and the expertise developed at the Institute are disseminated through conferences and workshops and also through its publications. The Publications are brought out in various series and the Grammar Series contains descriptions of grammar of the Indian languages.

There is a great need for writing grammars of tribal languages which have been little described. The grammar is the most important component of the linguistic description. it is an aid in language teaching and it is a step towards language development. The Institute aims at ahieving all these in its grammars of tribal languages. It tries to reach the langauge teachers by straighforward descriptions without going into discussion of alternative analyses and the choice among them it does not discuss theoretical issues explicitly. it tries at the same time to satisfy the linguists by the range of data and systematic analysis. It does not follow any particular theoretical model and puts emphasis on simplicity and clarity of exposition.

The grammar forms part of the package of materials consisting of a Phonetic Reader, a Multilingual dictionary, a collection of folk literature and primers in the tribal languages.

The organisation of the grammar is based on grammatical functions rather than on grammatical forms. This will help the new learner to find easily how the different functions, Which he already knows and wants to express, are formalised in this language. The Grammar is divided generally into two broad categories of noun morphology and verb morphology and a description of aedverbs follows verb morphology. The chapter on syntax describes the order of the constituents at the surface level. There is also a chapter on word formation, which describes the ways in which words are formed and new concepts are expressed.

Though the Grammar is primarily aimed at the language learner and the teacher, it is hoped that it will also be useful to Linguists interested in typology and universals.

Data for the Grammar were collected in the field primarily from one informant by elicitation through word and sentence lists. They were then cross-checked with some other informants. The description may not be exhaustive and there might be gaps. There might be possibilities for better alternative analysis. Comments and suggestions passed on to us will be useful to improve our future publications in this series.








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