Lotha does not have three consonant clusters in monosyllabic words.
These clusters occur mostly in disyllabic, trisyllabic and polysyllabic
words. Three consonant clusters are found in the initial position
in trisyllabic and polysyllabic words and medially in disyllabic
words. However, the frequency of occurrence of three consonant clusters
is very limited. Comparatively it has more occurrence in the medial
position than in the initial positon.
are classified into three groups on the basis of the number of syllables
occurring in the words. These types are as follows :-
1. Four syllable
2. Five syllable words
3. Six syllable words
of four syllable words :-
1. p nóp ns |
fly |
2. p l sáph n
bed sheet |
3. ph z ph nf |
frying pan |
4. ph kócónsáán
partiality |
5. t mts mótsì
ancestors |
6. rá khrì
gambling |
7. ch k mò
to pulverize |
the four syllable type the common pattern is either -
or cvcvcvccv
of five syllable words are as follows :-
1. k th s nácò
sometimes |
2. m ró s s p |
glow worm |
3. m c kmér yà
permanent |
4. n sá t l |
afternoon |
ñ msá ñ mr¡kù |
insult |
6. c kh p ns nrì |
maker |
7. pyáz t rò |
aeroplane |
8. ránt ránrì |
clerk |
of six syllable words :-
having six syllables are very rare, however, few examples are given
1. m sáì c átò
2. m s c n tó
Consonant clusters - General remarks
sequence of two identical or non-identical sound is called cluster.
In Lotha, there are sequences of vowels but not of identical vowels.
Among consonants also identical clusters are not found. Vowel clusters
were discussed earlier, here only consonant clusters are discussed.
In consonant clusters different combinations are possible.
has clusters of two consonants as well as three consonants. Four
consonant clusters do not occur in Lotha. Consonant clusters occur
only in the initial and medial positions. Two and three consonant
clusters occur both in the initial and medial positions but the
occurrence of three consonant clusters is very limited in both initial
and medial positions. These clusters do not occur in the monosyllabic
words. They occur mostly in disyllabic and polysyllabic words. Clusters
have high frequency of occurrence in the medial position than in
the initial position. Among consonants nasals occur more frequently
as the first member of the cluster.
Initial two consonant clusters :
the Initial two consonant clusters the following consonants occur
as the first member of the cluster.
ph, t, th, k, kh, m, n, nh,
