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5. [lókù] /lókù/ cave
6. [vókhyù] /vókhyù/ to worry
7. [gónd] /kónt/ sunshine
8. [zén] /zén/ clock
9. [ms] /ms/ cow

1. [rhó] /rhó/ boat
2. [yántù] /yántù/ lane
3. [yíts] /íts/ number
4. [t] /t weaver
5. [py] /py/ full

 /h/ It is a voiced aspirated velar nasal. It does not have any positional variant other than [h] itself. It occurs only in the medial position between two vowels.

  Examples for [nh] :-  
1. [hÌhórò] /hìhórò/ lion’s cub
2. [hÌhò] /hÌhò/ lion
3. [nhórì] /nhórì/ child

/l/ It is a voiced unaspirated alveolar lateral. It does not have any positional variant other than [l] itself. It occurs initially, medially and finally in a word.

  Examples for [l] :-  
1. [líz] /líz/ soil
2. [lókò] /lókò/ ground
3. [lókù] /lókù/ cave
4. [límhà] /límhà/ world
5. [líc] /líc/ desert

  Medially between two vowels :  
1. [phyálì] /phyálì/ omen
2. [lánì] /lánì/ again
3. [lóy] /lóy/ female
4. [lók>] /lók/ cloud
5. [lì] /lì/ wealth

  Medially before semivowel :-  
1. [cályù] /cályù/ earthworm

  Medially before the following consonant :-

m, n,
1. [khmlán] /khmlán/ religion
2. [nlplà] /nlplà/ lightening
3. [nlán] /nlán/ fault
4. [phlánts] /phlánts/ mountain

1. [kózál] /kózál/ nail

/lh] It is a voiced aspirated alveolar lateral. It does not have any positional variant other than [lh] itself.

It occurs initially and medially between two vowels.

  Examples for [lh] :-

1. [lhà] /lhà/ pluck (fruit etc) (Imp)
2. [lh] /lh/ rub (Imp)

1. [lílhò] /lílhò/ valley
2. [lhì] /lhì/ labour
3. [pólhòp>] /pólhòp/ belly








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