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Initially before a semivowel :

1. [py] /py/ full

  Medially between vowels :

1. [pórò] /pórò/ father’s brother (younger)
2. [vp] /vp/ to boil

  It occurs medially before the following consonants :
t, th, k, kh, s, r

  Examples :

1. [cptà] /cptà/ axe (for cutting purpose)
2. [khpthphn] [khpthphn] chair
3. [zpkáv] /zpkáv/ to fasten to
4. [zpkhìv] /zpkhìv/ to fare
5. [kps] /kps/ tumour
6. [zprá] /zprá/ stingy

  It occurs medially after the following consonants :

  Examples :

1. [mpó] /mpó/ wind
2. [lópù] /lópù/ rock

/ph/ It is a voiceless aspirated bilabial stop. It does not have any positional variant except [ph] itself. It occurs initially and medially in a word.

  Examples for [ph] :

  Iniatially before a vowel :

1. [phlánc] /phlánc/ mountain
2. [phánà] /pháná/ to chase
3. [phótk>] /phótk/ duck
4. [phnr] /phnr/ pickle
5. [phÌllì] /phìllì/ flute

  Initially before a semivowel :

1. [phyà] /phyà/ to dry in sun
2. [phyàù] /phyàù/ to spill
3. [chónphyálì] /chónphyálì/ clay
4.  [sphwà] /sphwà/ long

  Medially between vowels :

1. [phóphà] /phóphà/ ladder
2. [phéphìv] /phéphìv/ to slip
3. [mphv] /mphv/ to hide
4. [sáphán] /sáphán/ floor

  Medially after the following consonants :

  m, N, 1.

1. [mphò] /mphò/ secret
2. [chónphyálì] /chònphálì/ clay
3. [lphyáò] /lphyáò/ serpant
4. [vphénì] /vphénì/ prison
5. [kólphérà] /kòlphérà/ tomatto

/t/ It is a voiceless unaspirated dental stop. It has a positional variant [d] which can be described as voiced unaspirated dental stop. It occurs only medially preceded by homorganic nasal, /t/ occurs elsewhere.

  Examples for [d].

1. [mhòndà] /mhòntà/ treaty
2. [vndón] /vntón/ hungry
3. [wóndá] /wóntá/ light
4. [rándámò] /rántámò/ to pray
5. [cándáv] /cántáv/ to share








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