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3. [lánrò] /lánrò/ path
4. [lánts] /lánts/ street
5. [rànf] /ránf/ wolf


1. [nrà] /nrà/ grief
2. [nkà] /nkà/ black
3. [n] /n/ navel
4. [lksà] /lksà/ basket
5. [krá] /krá/ pale

  /u/ It is a high back rounded vowel. It has a positional variant [U] which can be described as lower high back rounded vowel. It occurs only in the first syllable of a word beginning with a falling tone. [u] occurs else where in all three positions of a word.

  Examples for [U] ;

1. [kùrà] /kùrà/ lean
2. [kùrtsì]  /kùrtsì/ barbar
3. [kùtmó] /kùtmó/ baboon

  Examples for [u] :


1. [kónà] /kónà/ circle
2. [útàpnò] /útàpnò/ in time
3. [ù] /ù/ to tan (leather)


1. [kùr] /kúr/ horse
2. [kùm] /kùm/ season
3. [hm] /hm/ feather


1. [érù] /érù/ rain
2. [ékyù] /ékyù/ fear
3. [nù] /nù/ sweet
4. [ókù] /ókù/ hole
5.  [lyù] /lyù/ sheep

/o/ It is a higher mid back rounded vowel. It does not have any positional variant other than [o] itself. It occurs initially, medially and finally in a word.

  Examples for [o] :

1. [óc] /óc/ water
2. [lì] /lì/ field
3. [mì] /mì/ fire
4. [] // stone
5. [ó] /ó/ younger brother


1. [snó] /snó/ butcher
2. [skó] /skó/ liquo-rice
3. [sf] /sf/ leather
4. [nhórì] /nhórì/ child
5. [sóz] /sóz«/ muscle


1. [ró] /ró/ breast
2. [hlò] /hlò/ here
3. [hIhò] /hihò/ lion
4. [hnò] /hnò/ hen
5. [sánò] /sánò/ deer

  Vowel clusters :

Lotha has clusters of vowels like : oa, ao etc. These clusters are sequences generally occur in the medial and final positions.








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