evasi po:da?â
‘He made the girl laugh’ |
na:nu evaņa?â
vespi ki:te?é |
‘I made him answer’ |
The Finite verb
verbs in Kuvi fall formally into two classes, finite and non-finite.
The finite form of the verb pos senses person-number-gender marker and
tense, aspect and mood markers. The non-finite form of the verb does not
possess person-number-gender reference and all of them do not have tense
aspect and mood markers. These grammatical categories are discussed below
with reference to the finite verb. |
6.6.1. |
Tense :
Tense is the grammatical category of the verb
expressing the time relationship of the event or state referred to in the
sentence to the time of the speech act.
Verbs in Kuvi are marked morphologically for tense. Tense in Kuvi is divided
into past and non- past act. |
Past tense is the form of a verb referring to an event or state which took
place prior to the time of the utterance. The past tense suffix is -t-. It
has the variants -tt- ~ -cc- ~ -ţţ-.
It follows the verb stem which is then followed by the person-number-gende
suffix to form the finite verb.
Verb roots which end in any long vowel or any
consonant other than n, l,
ņ, suffix-t-
na:nu i:muddi betta a:te?
é |
‘I found this ring’ |
na:nu evaņa?â
prette?é |
‘I defeated him’ |
ma: o:
o:yitu |
‘Our pots broke’ |
ma:mbu valka o:stomi |
‘We broke stones’ |
When the verb root ends in a short vowel --t--is doubled and suffixed.
na:nu umba?a ette?è |
‘I reached there’ |
When the verb root ends in a retroflex nasal and -t- is
suffixed, the -t- is retroflexed and the nasal in turn is assimilated to
the stop. |
na:nu e:yu u ţ ţe?
è |
‘I drank water’ |
evari ajjitakki ho ţ ţeri |
‘They ran away from fear’ |
Verb roots which end in a lateral or
alveolar nasal, suffix -t- which is then changed to the palatal affricate
and the lateral/nasal is assimilated to the affricate. |
1/n + t ®
{ } c |
{ } c ® -cc |
evasi ijjo haccesi |
‘He went home’ |
evari oņ a
ticceri |
‘they are rice’ |
Verb roots which end in -h-change it to -s-when -t- is suffixed.
ma:mbu valka o:stomi |
‘we broke stones’ |
tuste |
‘The cow gave birth to a
calf’ |