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i) initially before vowels.    
[ abbu ]    ‘wealth’
ii) initially in clusters    
[ ro:gi ]   ‘mushroom growing on tree-trunks’
iii) medially between vowels    
[ ţa:i ]   ‘blister’
iv) medially in gemination    
[ae ]   ‘cross’
v) medially after homorganic nasal    
[ jeņa ]    ‘flag’
vi) medially in clusters    
[ mata ]    ‘fold’ 
/ k / has one allophone [ k ].
It is the voiceless velar stop. It occurs in the environments given below.
i) initially before vowels
[ ka:wa ] ‘crow’
ii) initially in clusters
[ kra:ņdu ] ‘hare’
iii) medially between vowels
[ pi:ka ]  ‘cigar’
iv) medially in gemination
[ okkapa:a ] ‘bathroom’
v) medially after homorganic nasal
[ peńku ]  ‘file’
vi) medially in clusters
[ nakţa ] ‘bed bug’ 

/ g / has the allophone [ g ]/
It is the voiced velar stop. It occurs in the following environments.
i) initially before vowels.    
[ ga: a ]   ‘latch, hinge’
ii) initially in clusters    
[ gra:hù ]   ‘crocodile’
iii) medially between vowels    
[ ta: ga ]   ‘sunshine’

iv) medially in gemination    
[ kuggori ]   ‘sparrow’
v) medially after homorganic nasal    
[ ańga ]   ‘body’
vi) medially in clusters    
[ boga ]    ‘stick’
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