When the subject is second person singular or plural the negative suffix
is -?o. The tense suffix is f |
ni:nu hi:?odi
‘you do not give’ |
mi:ru hi:?oderi
‘you (pl.) do not give’
When the subject is first person plural or third person
singular or plural, masculine or non-masculine, the negative suffix is -? |
In these constructions the tense suffix is f
ma:mbu hi:? omi
‘we (excl.) do not give’
ma:ro hi:?ayi
‘we (incl.) do not give’ |
evasi hi:?esi
‘He does not give’ |
evari hi:? eri
‘They (masc.) do not give’ |
edi hi:?e
‘she/it does not give’ |
evasika/evi hi:?u
‘they/those do not give’ |
When the subject is first person singular, the negative suffix is-?
Here too the tense suffix is f
na:nu hi:? ō
‘I do not give’
The affirmative and negative forms of the verb in the nonpast tense is
distinguished formally by the person-number-gender suffix the suffix in
the non-past affirmative being-? iâ
and that in the negative being-?
Durative and perfective negative
The negative form of the durative and perfective forms are formed by
using the auxiliary verb hill ‘not to be’ after the present a past
participles. The verb functions as a double negative in that semantically
it already implies negation and it is further used with the negative
Durative negative: |
na:nu da:ra decci hillo? ō
‘I am not opening the door’
na:nu da:ra decci hilla?ate? ē
‘I was not opening the door’
ma:mbu da:ra decci hillo?omi
‘we are not opening the door’
ma:mbu da:ra decci hilla?atomi
‘we were not opening the door’
ni:nu da:ra decci hillo?odi
‘you are not opening the door’
ni:nu da:ra decci hilla?ati
‘you were not opening the door’
mi:ru da:ra decci hillo?oderi
‘you are not opening the door’
mi:ru da:ra decci hilla?ateri
‘you were not opening the door’
evasi da:ra decci hille?esi
‘He is not opening the door’
evasi da:ra decci hilla?atesi
‘He was not opening the door’
evari da:ra decci hille?eri
‘They (m.) are not opening the door’
evari da:ra decci hilla?ateri
‘They were not opening the door’
edi da:ra decci hille?e
‘she is not opening the door’
edi da:ra decci hilla?ate
‘She was not opening the door’