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1.3.3. Tones:
In Kokborok, vowels are pronounced in two ways. Some are pronounced with average pitch necessary for speaking while the others are pronounced with the pitch higher than the average. The average pitch is predominant in the words of this language, and it is referred to as level tone. The other pitch is called high tone. The high tone in this language occurs with all the vowels except «.

¸ hayhi
¸ bra
¸ thµwy
¸ baÛla
‘finger nail’
¸ yaskuÛ
¸ yÛN

1.4. General and Distributinal facts about Kokborok sounds:
1.4.1. Stops and nasals show three-way contrast in terms of point of articulation, viz., bilabial, alveolar and velar. The stops show another three-way contrast in terms of manner of articulation, viz., voiceless, voiced and aspirated. The voiced aspirated series is absent in kokborok. The alveolar stops freely vary with the dental stops. Only the voiceless stops occur in the word final position.
1.4.2. All the consonants are palatalised after /y/.e.g., phaykya ‘came’, paykhya ‘finished’, syty’true’. The nasals are palatalised completely and become palatal nasals. e.g., sayn)a ‘bugle’, kayñani 'sow'.
1.4.3. Kokborok has altogether six affricates and two sibilants: [c] [] [j] [] [ch] [h] [s] []. The palatal affricates [] and [] occur before front vowels and freely vary with the alveolar ones elsewhere. The alveolar affricates do not occur before front vowels. The sibilants [s] and [s&] freely vary with the aspirated [ch] and [h] respectively. [s] however does not freely vary with [ch] before front vowels. There are also a few words in which all the four sounds [s], [ch], [s&] and [h] freely vary with each other (e.g., sa~a~cha~ha ‘child’).
The distrubution of affricates and sibilants given above can be analysed in two ways as given below following the structural model.
I. we may treat the freely varying sounds as units and have the following phonemes and allophones.

before non-front vowels    
before front vowels


before non-front vowels before front vowels


ch/s~/ [s]
before non-front vowels, before front vowels
before non-front vowels, before front vowels

II. alternatively, we may choose any four of the freely varying eight sounds c, ch, j, , h, , s and as the   phonemes.





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