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     vo a-veko hini do

    ‘a bird has two legs’

     monit a-mek hini do

     ‘a man has two eyes’

na hem do

          ‘you have a house’

     na hem ave

                ‘you do not have a house’

The locative case expresses the location of a person, animal or thing in space or time. It is sometimes marked with -lo

   ne dakchi do

‘I am here’

           diphuchi bojar do

                           ‘there is a market in Diphu’

                                baji kethomchi neli hem damji

                                    ‘I shall go home at three O’clock’

ne-lo  ‘in me’
natum alo ‘in you (Pl.)’
hem (alo )  ‘in the house’
cayno alo ‘in the cow’
diphu alo ‘in Diphu’
The allative case indicates the direction or location or goal to which the motion mentioned by the verb is performed. Only the human and animate nouns are marked with -lo.

     ne hem damlo

    ‘I went home’

   skul damnon

    'go to school’

   ne nejirpo alo dampo

     ‘I had gone to my friend’

                   kekatpenchi alali ne-lo keva

    ‘he came to me running’

The ablative is the case of separation from the source in performing the action mentioned by the ever. It is expressed by suffixing -pen or -lopen to the source noun.

    ne bojar pen ok nam ]

            ne bojar alopen ok nam ]

            ‘I buy fish from the market’

      skul -pen vanon

      ‘come from school’

      ne thepipen helovi

                 ‘I am far away from the tree’

     latuk-pen la vannon

         ‘bring water from the well’

     la ne hem pen dampo

           ‘he will go from my house’

 la ne-lopen dampo

                   ‘he will go from me (my place)’

               penap-pen ne kam klemklelo

                ‘I will not work from tomorrow’

The ablative occurs after some post-positions and adverbs.

     la hem arlo-pen valo

                 ‘he comes out of (from inside)

     the house’

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