Number |
The personal pronouns
show a two-way distinction in number, viz., singular and plural.
In personal pronoun, the human and
animate nouns take the plural marker -tum whereas the
neuter nouns have a separate plural
marker -huy. In other nouns, human nouns mark plural with
-mar, atum and mar atum
whereas a collective adjective meaning ‘many’ an is added
to all nouns to mark plurality. Otherwise,
plural is not marked in non-human nouns. |
The singular is unmarked
in all the nouns.
ne |
netum |
ala |
ala tum |
‘he, she’
‘they (hum.)
le |
latum |
‘he, she, it’
‘they (hum. animate)’
lahuy |
‘they (neuter)’
arnam |
arnammar |
arnamatum |
arnammaratum |
monit |
monit atum |
monit mar |
monit maratum |
richo |
richomar |
‘young person’
‘young persons’
richo atum |
‘young persons’
la |
la an |
‘he, she, it’
‘they (non-human)’
monit |
monit an |
‘all men’
ri |
ri an |
hem |
hem an |
‘houses, all houses’
me |
me an |
‘cats, all cats’
kitap |
kitap an |
‘books, all books’
The plural marker follows the gender or honorific markers if
they are present. |
ocho-po |
ochopo-mar |
ochopomar atum |
ala li
ala litum |
‘he, she (hon.)’
‘they (hum. hon.)’ |