pincho a-ocho |
‘male child, boy’ |
male child |
arlocho a-ocho |
‘female child, girl’ |
female child |
In personal pronouns, two way
distinction of gender viz., human and non-human or neuter and non-neuter are made. From this
a three-way
ala |
‘he, she’ |
ala tum |
‘they (hum.)’ |
ala li |
ala litum |
la |
he, she, it’ |
latum |
‘they (Human, Animate)’ |
lahuy |
‘they (neuter)’ |
pincho a-ocho |
‘male child, boy’ |
male child |
arlocho a-ocho |
‘female child, girl’ |
female child |
In personal pronouns, two way
distinction of gender viz., human and non-human or neuter and non-neuter are made. From this
a three-way
ala |
‘he, she’ |
ala tum |
‘they (hum.)’ |
ala li |
ala litum |
la |
he, she, it’ |
latum |
‘they (Human, Animate)’ |
lahuy |
‘they (neuter)’ |
distinction can be finally made out - human,
animate and inanimate.
The last type of human nouns mark gender by
char-bura |
‘old man’ |
char-pi |
‘old woman’ |
megve-pi |
‘blind woman’ |
ke kok-pi |
‘lame woman’ |
In animate nouns, masculine gender is marked
with -lo or alo and feminine with -pi or api.Unlike human nouns in which the
gender is marked obligatorily, the animate
nouns are marked for gender only when it is to be specified. |
The allomorphs of the gender markers are
phonologically, conditioned. -lo and -pi areadded to nouns ending in a vowel and alo
and api to nouns ending in a consonant. The allomorphs -lo
and -pi are part of the nouns as there is no pause in between
whereas the allomorphs alo and api are
distinct words as there is pause in between these and the noun.
1) |
bi |
‘goat’ |
bilo |
‘male goat’ |
bipi |
‘female goa’ |
bipo |
‘male goat’ |
2) |
Vo |
‘bird, chicken’ |
Volo |
‘male bird, cock’ |
Vopi |
‘female bird, hen’ |
3) |
cayno |
‘cow, bull’ |
cayno alo |
‘bull’ |
cayno api |
‘cow’ |
-po is also used for masculine in the
noun bi ‘goat’. Excluding this noun, human and animate nouns have distinct markers for masculine. viz., -po and
-lo or alo respectively.