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mUri muri ‘flute made of buffalo horn’
man man ‘become’
tom tomon ‘air’
comat comat ‘taste’
ptUmi patumi ‘yesterday’
rnam arnam ‘God’
klEm klem  ‘do’
hIm him  ‘cake’

/n/ is realized as [n], the alveolar nasal everywhere.

ni  ni ‘sister’
nk nok ‘sugarcane’
nU  nu ‘back’
narlo anarlo ‘noon’
cIni  cini ‘know’
kán kán  ‘dance’
t n tón ‘a basket’
mEn men ‘ripen’

/ņ/ is realized as [ņ ], the velar nasal which occurs only medially and finally.

Ini ini ‘sit’
thEpi thepi ‘tree’
cIvai civay ‘discuss and conclude’
Iva ivay ‘select’
hja hojay ‘a part of house’
rphlU arphlu ‘drive cattle’
n na ‘need’
čEl celo ‘buffalo’


/c/ has two allophones [ č ] and [c]. /c/ is realized as [ č ], the palatal voiceless affricate initially and medially before front vowels.
čIri ciri ‘a white insect found on
    dirty cloth’
čIkEp cikep ‘armpit’
čEkk cekok ‘bear fruit’
čEl celo ‘buffalo’
pcIm pacim ‘make pointed’
vočEt vocet ‘a small bird’

/c/ is realized as [c], the alveolar voiceless affricate elsewhere (initially and medially).

c  coy ‘shirt’
cho coho ‘frog’
cin cayno ‘cow, bull’
conIri 9 coniri ‘ request’
pclai pacalay ‘make someone joke’
kIcU  kicu ‘shiver’




‘steal oneself’


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