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dhIla dhila ‘become loose’
dhUbi dhubi ‘washerman’
dhUni dhuni ‘rich’
dha adha ‘half’

/k/ is realized as [k], the voiceless velar stop everywhere.
kIlu kilu ‘cockroach’
kUm kum ‘a musical instrument’
phokEp phokep  ‘fifty’
hakIri hakiri ‘a grass’
kki kaki ‘a fish’
nokan nokan ‘nose
tErEk terek ‘move to another place’
mEk  mek ‘wound’
lk lok ‘white’

/kh/ is realized as [kh], the voiceless aspirated velar stop initially and medially.

kha kha ‘prevent’
khEla khela ‘game’
khIrIki khiriki  ‘window’
lIkhi likhi ‘write’
gkhIr gakhir ‘animal’s milk
khr akhor ‘letter in alphabet’

/g/ is realized as [g], the voiced velar stop everywhere.

gkhIr gakhir ‘animal’s milk’
gyani gyani ‘wise person’
mogj mogoj ‘brain’
mEgve megve ‘blind’
bogori   bogori ‘a fruit’
bhag  bhag ‘share’

/gh/ is realized as [gh], the voiced aspirated velar stop initially.
ghori ghori ‘clock’
ghnti , ghonti , ‘bell’
khnti khonti  
ghI ghiv ‘ghee’
khi khi  

/?/ is realized as [?], the glottal stop medially.

r?i ar?i ‘long for’
kI?i ki?i ‘devil’
r?u ar?u ‘kiss’
I?Uk  i?uk ‘bark’
kI?Ik ki?ik ‘black’
kE?Er ke?er ‘red’
r?e ar?e ‘right hand’

/m/ is realized as [m], the bilabial nasal everywhere.

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