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ho :
It indicates the expression of an idea.
ne kedamloho ‘I am going’

dey :
It emphasises the occurrence of an event. dey can precede or follow ho.
ne kedamlodey ‘yes, I am going’
ne kedamlohodey ‘yes, I am going’
junlonadeyho ‘yes, we drink’

to :
It expresses agreement
to juntha ‘yes, please drink’

chi :
It indicates emphasis.
ne hemchi do ‘I am at home only’

aru :
It conjoins two sentences. lapen is another form used for the same purpose.
tumi la valo aru pini netum coraplo
‘he came yesterday and we ate together today’
pen : It conjoins two or more nouns. With more than two nouns, it is added before the last noun.
notbuk, kitap pen penchil
‘notebook, book and pencil’

bonta : It connects two sentences of which the second is a denial of the first. kintu, chita and bonchita are its variants.

ne pe thaknaji apotlo bonta ne thakthedetlo
‘I had to weave cloth but I did not weave’
ba : It disjoins two or more nouns. With more than two nouns, it is added before the last noun.
la bahini ba bakethom aochopomar
‘these two or three boys’
la ba ne ‘he or I’

ram, modhu, hori ba chondro
‘Ram, Madhu, Hari or Chandra’

lachi :
It links two simple sentences of which the first is the cause of the second one. It occurs at the beginning of the second sentence referring to the effect.

ne jal celo?un?edet. lachi pini ne damdedet
‘I could not get my net. So I did not go today’

ke :
It denotes definiteness
la-ke ‘he, she, it (Prox.) (Def.)’
lahuyke ‘they (Neut.) (Prox.) (Def.)’
keprapke ‘so soon (Def.)’
aphrke ‘formerly (Def.)’

cho :
It specifies a person or thing

lacho ‘it, this (Spec.)’
lacho amonit ‘this (Spec.) man’
lacho aphi

‘after this (Spec.)’

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