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la vaveknalo ‘he ought to have come’
ne coveknapo ‘I ought to eat’
necoveknanepo  ‘ought not eat’


The probability indicate the possibility that the subject may perform the action mentioned by the verb. It is marked by adding tahay to the verb. The tense forms can precede or follow it when tahay is added directly to the verb base. Otherwise, the tense precedes tahay.
netum vatahay
‘we may come’
latum arjutahay
‘they may ask’
melitum damtahaylo


‘we (Hon.) might go’


la phojitahay
‘it may happen’
latum dam?ettahay  
‘they might have gone’
na vavedettahay
‘you (sg.) might not have come’
nelitum co?ik?edettahay
‘we (Hon.) might not have eaten’
latum cocelotahay
‘they might not eat’
The possibility indicates that it is possible for the subject to perform the action mentioned by the verb. It is expressed by adding -tame to the verb or by adding the verb un ‘able to, can’ to the verb root.
ne vatame
‘I can come’
na damtame
‘you can go’
la cotame
‘(sub) can eat it/
  it is eatable’
lacho ahan cojitame
‘(sub) can eat this vegetable (fut.)’
lacho ahan colotame
‘(sub) could eat this vegetable (past.)’
ne la klem?un ‘I am able to do it’
na la klem?unma ‘can you do it?’
ne la klem?uji ‘I shall be able to do it’
The tense form precedes tame whereas it follows un.
Occasional Occurrence
It indicates that the subject performs the action mentioned by the verb only sometimes and not always. The occasional occurrence of the action mentioned by the verb is expressed by duplicating the verb root. When the verb is in the negative mood, either the verb root or the negative form can be duplicated.
ne vava ‘I come sometimes’
ne vavalo ‘I came sometimes’
vavave ‘(you) come sometimes’


‘(you) did not come sometimes’
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