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/dú/ ‘height’ /dú-tíe/ ‘lengthwise’
/sú:/ ‘inside’ /sú:-tíe/ ‘internal’
/púo/ ‘outside’  /púo-tìe/ ‘external’
/và:n/ ‘sky’ /vàn-tíe/ ‘heavenly’, ‘heaven wards’
/hnúoi/ ‘earth’ /hnúoi-tìe/ ‘wordly’, earth-ward’
/hmé:l/ ‘appearance’ /hme:l-lèm/ ‘more likely’
      (from appearance)
{-a} or {na-} or {a-}    
/ín/ ‘home’ /ín-à/ ‘of home’, ‘homely’
/náupá/ ‘child’ /náupa-na/ ‘childish’
    /naupa-a/ ‘of child’
/pàsál/ ‘man’ /à-pásà/ ‘manly’
/nùhmèi/ ‘woman’ /à-núhmèi/ ‘womanly’
The prefixal use of {à-} is a specialty here. The last two examples, /à-pásàl/ and /à-núhmèi/ may also mean ‘her husband’ and ‘his wife’ respectively
{-ták} or {-dèu}

/mìvàr/ ‘wise man’ /mìvàr-ták/ ‘very wise man’
/mìthíem/ ‘learned man’ /mìthíem-dèu/ ‘very learned man’
/mìdúm/ ‘black man’ /mìdúm-déu/ ‘very black complexioned’
/mìlìen/ ‘big man’ /mìlìen-tàk/ ‘very big man’
/mìsúol/ ‘bad man’ /mìsúol-tàk/ ‘very bad character’
/mììhà/ ‘good man’  /mìhá-ták/, or  
    /mìhá-déu/ ‘very good man’
/lál/ ‘chief’ /lál-ták/ ‘very powerful chief’
/th:dí/ ‘work’ /th:dí-ták/ ‘very appropriate work’
/ní/ ‘day’ /ní-tín/  ‘per day, daily’
/sù:n/ ‘day’ /sù:n-tìn/ ‘every day’
/kùm/ ‘year’ /kùm-tìn/ ‘yearly’
/ká:r/ ‘week’ /ká:r-tín/ ‘weekly’
The derivatives with {-tin} have the potentiatity of being used as adverbs as well.
Derivation of Nouns from Adjectives
Hmar also has a counter mechanism of deriving nouns from adjectives. This is done both by prefixation and suffixation. Given below are few examples :
{mí-} ‘person’    
/lìen/ ‘big’(wide)' /mì-lìen/ ‘respected person’
{-ná} ‘noun indicator’    
/mo:l/ ‘simple’ /mò:l-ná/ ‘simplicity’
/mìtìndél/ ‘blind’ /mìtìndél-ná/ ‘blindness’
/róupúi/ ‘grand’ /róupúi-ná/ ‘grandeur’, ‘glory’
/mó:i/ ‘beautiful’ /mò:i-ná/ ‘beauty’
/vàr/ ‘wise’ /vàr-ná/ ‘wisdom’
/tà/ ‘good’ hàt-ná/  ‘goodness’
Derivation of Verbs from Adjectives.
In Hmar, as in many other Tibeto-Burman languages, some adjectival roots function as verb roots too. In addition to this, it also has a mechanism to derive verb roots from adjective roots. Here the process is prefixation.







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