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Count nouns

/Ín/ ‘house’ /in-hài/ ‘houses’
/ìnhmùná/ ‘meeting’ /ìnhmá-hai/ ‘meetings’
/pén/ ‘pen’ /pén-hài/ ‘pens’
/b:/ ‘cow’ /b-hái/ ‘cows’
/dà:n/ ‘rule’ /dà:n-hái/ ‘rules’
/hùná/  ‘chair’  /hùnná-hái/  ‘chairs’
/mìhríem/ ‘man' /mìhríem-hái/ ‘men’
/náupá/ ‘child’ /náupá-hài/ ‘children’
/ní/ ‘day’ /ní-haí/ ‘days'
Mass nouns

/bòrúok/  ‘air’  /bòruók-hài/  ‘volumes of air’
/túi/ ‘water’ /túi-hài/ ‘volumes of water’
/mìtthliÛ/ ‘tears’  /mìtthli-hái/ ‘streams of tears’
/rùo/  ‘rain’ /rùo-hái/ ‘rains’
/vá:r/ ‘light’ /vá:r-hái/ ‘flashes of light’
/lúinà/ ‘sorrow’ /lúáinà-hái/  ‘sorrows’
{-hai} is also suffixed to nouns when single items of different species are referred to collectively. In a situation where there is ‘a pen’, ‘a pencil’ and ‘a cup’ on the table, each noun, though actually singular, would take {-hai}. For example :
/dkàn cúh pén-hài, pèncíl-hai, lúkhúm-hài ánùm/
‘there is a pen, a pencil and a hat on the table’

Generally in respect of the nouns referring to human body parts and animate nouns which are required to be mentioned with definiteness. viz: such nouns which are already in the field of focus between the speaker and the hearer, the plural marker {-dam} is added to. In other words, it particularises a noun in plural sense. Its contrast with {-hai} in respect of presence or absence or the sense of definiteness which could be seen from the following examples :
/kùt/ ‘hand’ /kùt-hái/ ‘hands’
    /kùt-dá:m/ ‘the particular hands’
/kùtpàr/ ‘finger’ /kùtpàr-hái/ ‘fingers’
    /kùtpàr-dá:m/  ‘the particular fingers’
/kè/ ‘leg’ /kè-hái/ ‘legs’
    /kè-dá:m/ ‘the particular legs’
/kèpàr/ ‘toe’ /kèpàr-hái/ ‘toes’
    /kèpèr-dá:m/ ‘the particular toes’
/dàr/ ‘shoulder’ /dàr-hài/ ‘shoulders’
    /dàr-dàm/ ‘the particular shoulders’
/khúp/ ‘knee’ /khúp-hài/ ‘knees’
    /khúp-dà:m/ ‘the particular knees’
/khúp/ ‘shoulder’ /kúr-hài/ ‘shoulders’
    /khúp-dà:m/ ‘the particular shoulders’
/mìt/ ‘eye’ /mìt-hái/ ‘eyes’
    /mìt-dá:m/ ‘the particular eyes’
/sám/ ‘hair’ /sám-hài/ ‘hairs’
    /sam-dá:m/ ‘the particular hairs’
/há/ ‘tooth’ /há-hài/ ‘teeth’
    /há-dá:m/ ‘the particular teeth’
/lú/ ‘head’ /lú-hái/ ‘head’
    /lú-dá:m/ ‘the particular heads’
/rí:/ ‘neck’ /rí:-hài/ ‘necks’
    /rí:-dà:m/ ‘the particular necks’







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