| |
VP such as the above could get further expanded
by addition of other auxiliaries marking aspects.
The auxiliaries preferably occur after the main
verb except the auxiliary /la/ which could occur
before the main verb (see sec. 3.3.3 to 3.3.9).
The following example may be seen. |
order of occurrence of auxiliaries as above is more
or less static. In the absence of the aspect marker
/dí /
the present tense marker /a/ occupies its position and
is followed by the auxiliary /tìh/ after the pronoun
in place of /bàh/. The perfect aspect marker /la/ always
occurs before the main verb. | |
respect of future, the verb takes slightly different
menifestation by transposing the future tense
and the person elements. This could be illustrated
in the following tree structure : |
the verb occurs at the beginning of the VP and the pronoun
takes intermediate position and the auxiliary the final
position. There could be another subject pronoun /a/
‘he’ in the subject slot, which is not shown in the
above tree structure. | |
the imperative mood, the pronoun is not necessary
to be used. The verb appears at the beginning
of the VP and the auxiliary /r h/
marks the imperative and it occurs as the second
component. Here, there is no need to use the 2nd
person pronoun in the subject slot too. |