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A VP such as the above could get further expanded by addition of other auxiliaries marking aspects. The auxiliaries preferably occur after the main verb except the auxiliary /la/ which could occur before the main verb (see sec. 3.3.3 to 3.3.9). The following example may be seen.
The order of occurrence of auxiliaries as above is more or less static. In the absence of the aspect marker /dí/ the present tense marker /a/ occupies its position and is followed by the auxiliary /tìh/ after the pronoun in place of /bàh/. The perfect aspect marker /la/ always occurs before the main verb.
In respect of future, the verb takes slightly different menifestation by transposing the future tense and the person elements. This could be illustrated in the following tree structure :
Here the verb occurs at the beginning of the VP and the pronoun takes intermediate position and the auxiliary the final position. There could be another subject pronoun /a/ ‘he’ in the subject slot, which is not shown in the above tree structure.
In the imperative mood, the pronoun is not necessary to be used. The verb appears at the beginning of the VP and the auxiliary /rh/ marks the imperative and it occurs as the second component. Here, there is no need to use the 2nd person pronoun in the subject slot too.






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