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or to drop non-honorific hints especially while ventilating anger. However, in some local dialects, in these days, some borrowed Aryan words are reduplicated in this manner to express stress. Given below are a few examples.
Vowel alteration

/èt òt/ ‘stylist, fashionable’
/è:l :l/ ‘a description of an expression of sufficiency or excessiveness etc.’
/khítíe khútíe/ ‘this way or that way’
/tè:n t:n/ ‘a description of an expression of strength, durability etc.’
/rè:n rò:n/ ‘sitting perched and observing’
Syllable alteration including a consonant
/cú é: khá é:/ ‘this and/or that’
/thíbùl lúbùl/ ‘flora’, ‘plants of trees’
/lò:m é: cú é:/ ‘rejoice or what, etc.’
These and many other such reduplicated forms exist in Hmar to describe the intensity or seriousness of actions, states, conditions, appearance etc.

Type b: Partial reduplication of non-lexical items

This type of reduplication is restricted only to the vowel alteration. Given below are a few examples:
/phè:r phùor/ ‘hapazard action/attitude etc.’
/phèr phùr/  ‘disorganised, scattered etc.’
/te:r tuor/ ‘emphatically made sound’
/dìr dèr/ ‘rickety, unstable etc.’
/zè:u zùou/ ‘mobile, doing things haphazadly’
/zè:l zù:l/ ‘slow and lazy’
/mèt mùt/ ‘big and steady’
/nè:l nùol/ ‘gaining something’
/hem hum/ ‘sound/be successful (in a big way)’
/rem rum/ ‘at sixes and sevens’
/le:u luou/ ‘collection of water’, ‘body of water’
Reduplicated forms prefixed/ propositioned
The compound words which are formed by prefixing or by propositioning the reduplicated forms could be discussed under two sub-typed as under.

Sub-type(a): Initial syllable repeated

Hmar forms few compounds by repeating the intial syllables of the words just before the roots or base words7. This is mainly done in respect of human names which calling the persons concerned with affection. For example:
/kú:ì/ ‘a girl, by this name’
/kú-kú:/ ‘oh Kungi, (my dear)!’
Sub-type (b) : Second part of the word repeated
In this type of compound, partially reduplicated forms in combination with another syllable before them are used propositionally to the roots/base words. In such partially reduplicated words, only the second part of the first words is the reduplication of the second part of the roots or base words and the first part is an arbitrarily chosen syllable. In such compounds, the second constituent is independently usable and meaningful. Given below are a examples:
/sàktíe thltíe/ ‘east-west, this way or that way’
/cúha:i kháhá:i/ ‘those and those people’
/cúoà khá:à/ ‘like this or that’
Semantic Reduplication
Sometimes compounds formed by using two synonymous words. Such compounds add a sense of plurality. emphasis, or in-






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