Nouns are dervied from stems of various word classes such as nouns,
adjectives and verbs. All the nouns are derived only by suffixation as
these suffixes also help in determining the gender of the nouns. First we
shall deal with the derivation of nouns from noun stems and then from
adjective and verbs.
A. Noun Derived From Noun Stems
{-i} added mostly to the common noun to form the agentive noun and the
nouns so formed are masculine in gender. Examples are :
f j
f ji
‘army man’
š r
š ri
‘urban person’
k nun
‘law’ |
k nuni
‘one who knows law’
l ng r
b ppar
b ppari
s wal
s wali
‘one who demands’
needy person’
k rjo
‘debt’ ’
k rjoi
{-Iy} added to the noun stems denoting place names to form the noun
stems marking the person belonging to that place and the forms are given
in masculine nouns.
Examples are:
phag o
(name phag Iyo
of the village)
‘Phagala’ |
‘a person belonging to
Phagala village’
l sa o
l sa Iyo |
‘a man belonging to Lasana’ |
(village name) |
ha i
ha Iyo
‘a person belonging to
(village name)
Hari village’
‘Poonch (city
‘a person belonging to |
Beside it is also added to some common nouns to form the proper noun,
i.e., the performer of the action.
For example : |
/l lar/ |
‘dye’ |
/l larIyo/
‘dyer’ |
{-y-} added to the abstract noun to form the noun stem indicating human
with that quality and this stem can take the suffixes of both the genders.
For Example :
k yo
k i
{-dar} added to the inaminate nouns to form the human nouns who possess
that thing from which it is derived. And these nouns so dervied belong to
either gender. For example :
‘rich person’
cattle property’
(mas.)' |
'land, farm’
land-owner’(mas.) ' |
h m l
h m ldar
(fem.) |
{-g r}
added to the nouns to form the agentive nouns i.e., as the performer of
the action. And the nouns thus formed are masculine in gender, Examples
are :
jadug r
bazi |
‘acrobatics’ |
bazig r