In this language, at the most clusters of three consonants can occur in
the medial position. There are restrictions on the occurrence of
three-consonant clusters and therefore these are very limited. There are
three types of these clusters.
C2C3 is any permissible
two consonant clusters in the medial position and C1
is homorgamic to C2.
C1 C2 is any permissible
two consonant clusters in the medial position and C3
is /r,y/.
C1C2 is any permissible
consonant cluster in the final position and C3 is
such that C2C3 is a possible two
consonant cluster in the medial position.
A few examples are :
/bamb i/
‘elephant’s trunk’
/s ntro/
‘she monkey’
/m ndri/
/hIndwa o/
/p njmo/
/b nj i/
/m ng i/
/k tUng o/
/m nglar/
/ang i/