/ /
and /a/ do not occur as a second member with any vowel; however these can occur as first member with some vowels.
/I/ does not occur as first member in the vowel sequence.
Two similar vowels with one difference in height such as /iI/, /Ie/, / a/,
/uU/ and /Uo/ do not form vowel sequence in any of the two orders except the order of
/-eI-/ sequence in a limited sense.
Vowel sequences are shown on the chart and the examples are also given.
/aI o/
‘the whole in a box’
‘please come’ (II p.sg.) |
/ao/ |
‘come’ (IIp.pl.imp.) |
‘come’ (Ip.sg.)
/piũgo/ |
‘shall drink’ (Ip. sg. mas
‘wet (imp.)’
‘shall drench’ (Ip.sg.)
/- i-/
/b imani/
/- I-/
/b Ist/
/r p Iyo/
/- U-/
/c Udã/
/c wã/
/laIri/ |
‘a cow or buffalo which |
has recently given birth’
/ laŨs/
/jaIye/ |
‘(please) go (imp.sg.) |
‘some lady’
‘some man’ |
/cÙi i/
/cuIyã/ |
‘she rats’ |
‘may drink’ (IIIp.pl.)
/pio/ |
‘drink’(IIp.pl.imp.) |
/peo/ |
‘fall’(IIp.pl.imp.) |
/deo/ |
/- i/
/k l i/
‘tin plate’
/r i/
/k i/
/- u/
/n ũ/
‘some kind of marks on the body’
/kae/ |
‘sone one’(fem.) |
‘O’ cow’
/cao/ |
‘lift’(IIp.pl.imp.) |
/b rtao/
/ mau/