Contrast of articulation among other consonants:
/t/ vs. /c/
/t r/
swim(imp)’ :
/c r/
‘graze’ (imp.)
/r t/
‘blood’ :
/r c/
‘put (things)
nicely’ (imp.) |
/k t/ |
‘spin’ (imp) : |
/k c/
/th/ vs.
/th m/
‘pole’ :
/ch m/
/d/ vs. /j/
‘pulse’ :
/g ndo/
‘dirty’ :
/g njo/
/k d/
‘when’ :
/k j/
‘small hole in
the shirt to button’
/s/ vs. /š/
/s tr nj/
‘beam’ :
/š tr nj/
‘a game’
‘warm’ :
/r s/ |
‘juice’ : |
/r š/
/c/ vs./ k/
/c m/
‘leather’ :
/k m/
‘measurement’ :
/sek/ |
‘warmth’ |
/ch/ vs. /kh/
/ch bbi/
six’ :
/kh bbi/
‘under wear/ :
/rakho/ |
‘watch man’ |
/j/ vs./g/
/j lab/
‘diarrhoea’ :
/g lab/
/ j/
‘today’ :
/ g/
/s/ vs. /h/
/sU /
‘listen’ (imp) :
/hU /
/sã u/
‘relationship :
/hã u/
between the
/x/ vs. /h/
‘jealousy’ :
‘ass’ :
/w/ vs. /y/
‘time’ :
Contrast of Manner:
Besides the place of articulation the consonants are distinguished with
the help of the position of the vocal organs in the release of the air.
This is called the difference of the manner of articulation. Manners of
articulation depend upon the position of the vocal cords, position of the
organs in the oral cavitity and the position of the soft palate. The
consonants are labeled as Stops, Fricatives, Nasals, Laterals, Trills,
Semivowels depending on the manner of articulation. And all the consonants
can be classified voiced versus voiceless depending on the position of the
vocal cords. Consonants can also be released with and without the puff of
air following it which give the contrast of aspirated and unaspirated. All
such contrasts are given below.
Stop vs. Nasal vs. Semivowel
/b/ vs. /m/
/b cchi/
‘she-calf’ :
/m cchi/
/l bbo/
‘find out’(imp.):
/l mmo/
‘tall, long’