c htho
hIsso |
‘One fourth part’ |
the whole)
p njmo
‘One fifth part’
(1/5 of the whole)
and also
tijo hIsso
‘One third part’
(1/3 of the whole’ |
trIyo hIsso
Besides the above stated ordinal numerals there are also some other
adjectives which mark the order of person and things. These are :
sIra go |
‘last one’ |
‘last corner’
sIra go j o
‘the last person’
‘the last girl’
etc. |
There are also other types of numerals which mark distributive function
such as one fold, two folds etc. In the language such functions are marked
by {-r-} added to the alternant of cardinal numerals and then this stem
takes the gender-number suffixes depending on the gender and number of the
following nouns. Forms are given in masculine singular which can be
inflected like adjectives of /r tt-/ class.
‘one fold’
‘two folds’
‘three folds’
‘four folds’
There is another type may be called as proportional numerals which
denote the proposition of something in relation to another. These are
marked by {-gU¸-}
added to the cardinal numerals and then these are inflected like /r tt-/
class adjectives. A few examples of this type are given in masculine
singular form:
dUgU o
tigU o
tigU o
c gU o
There are other devices used in the language for measuring
length/breadth such as by fingers broad wise and the spread hand preceded
by cardinal number. Thus the nouns are used like adjectives. Examples are
ek ng 
(equal to) ‘one finger’(long)
‘one finger long thread’
car ng 
(equal to) ‘four fingers (long)’
ek gI
(equal to) ‘one spreaded hand’
do gI h
(equal to) ‘two spreaded hands’
A verbal form in Gojri consists of the verb stem and concord endings
person-number or gender-number. Let us take some verbal forms like /b€sũgo/
(I male) shall sit’, /b swa ũgo/
‘(I male) shall make (someone) sit’, /b swas ũ/
(I) shall make (someone) sit’ and /b swa ũ/
‘(I) may make someone sit’. From these verbal forms we shall get /b€sũg-/,
/b swa ũg/,
b swa s-/
and /b swa -/
as verbal stems and further we get {-g-~s-} as furture stem formative and
/b swa ũ/,
/b swa -/
as the verbal bases. Thus /b swa -/