(20) and (21) the verbs are agentive verbs whereas in
(22) and (23) it is not so. If ne is assumed
to have the feature [+ agentive], then, one could account
for the status of the sentences by observing that in
the ungrammatical ones there is a mismatch between the
verb which is non-agentive and ne which is agentive.
When we claim that ne has meaning, we actually refer
to ne having the feature "agentive".
The sentences (17) - (19) whow that the ka under
reference does not have meaning in the sense in which
ne, se, par etc. have. Therefore
it can justifiably be called a semantically empty CM.
In sum, the nominalizer ka differs from the other
lexical CMs in the three ways listed above. Thus it
is understandable that the PRO Filter makes reference
to ka and to no other lexical CM. |