Theory of binding Book

Abhilasha Jain
B.N. Patnaik
Further a clause such as the underlined one in (96) can occur with svayam, but not with svayam as shown in (97).
(96)   samay par tilak ji svayam a jayenge;
                i           i

time CM tilak ji himself come+FUTURE

unko lane ke liye kisi ke jane ki zarurat nahi

him bring+Nom CM anybody CM go+Nom CM necessity NEG

(Tilakji will come on time himself; nobody

neet go to get him.)

(97)   *samay par svayam tilakji a jayenge;unko lane
                    i          i

time CM himself tilakji come+FUTURE, him bring + Nom

ke liye kisi ke jane ki zarurat nahi

CM anybody CM go+Nom CM necessity NEG

Finally, since svayam is an instrumental, it is no accident that it chooses agent alone as its antecedent, as noted earlier. In contrast, svayam can relate to the perceiver as the grammatically of (66) shows. The facts given above clearly show that svayam is not really a single anaphor; Differentiating between svayam and svayam is justified.
Thus the N.A-anaphors svayam, apneap and paraspar all select agents alone as their antecedent, whereas, A-anaphors choose either the agent or the perceiver as antecedent. If the N.A-anaphors chose perceiver also as antecedent, then a general statement would have been posible regarding the antecedent choice of all anaphors, whether A or N.A. It is relevant at this stage, then, to take a look at the N.A-anaphors again and explore if there is any reason for their not selecting perceivers as antecedents.
Consider, apneap. The fact that the instrumental svayam is substitutable by apneap, as shown above, suggests that apneap has the same semantic features as svayam. it also is an instrument. Let it tentatively be called "human instrtumental" as against an "inanimate instrumental". This is indeed a valid distinction, as the following demonstrates:
(98)   ram ne chaku se phal kata

ram CM knife CM fruit cut+PAST

(Ram cut the fruit with a knife.)

(99)   ram ne mohan ki madad se phal kata

ram CM mohan CM help CM fruit cut+PAST

(Ram cut the fruit with Mohan's help.)

(100)   ram chaku aur fork se hi khana khata hai

ram knife and fork CM EMPH food eat+PRES

(Ram eats food with only knife and fork.)

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