Theory of binding Book

Abhilasha Jain
B.N. Patnaik
(101)   ram mohan ki aur shyam ki madad se hi
ram mohan CM and shyam CM help CM EMPH
ye kam kar saka
this work do+PAST
(Ram was able to do this work only with the help of Mohan and Shyam.)
(102)   *ram ne chaku se aur mohan ki madad se
ram CM knife CM and mohan CM help CM
phal kata
fruit cut+PAST

(100) shows that two inanimate instrumentals can be conjoined and (101), that two human instrumentals can be conjoined. (102) is ungrammatical because a human and an inanimate instrumental have been conjoined. These suggest that the postulation of human as against inanimate instrumental is valid.

Now, apneap substitutes the human instrumental. Observe the following:

    (The child cut the fruit with a knife with his mother's/his own help)
    (Ram climbed the tree with the help of Mohan/on his own.)
No predicate can have two instrumentals (unless, of course, these are conjoined) as is evident from (105)
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