(92) |
*svayam bhishma ne usko svayam parast kiya
i i
bhishma CM him himself defeat+PAST
Contrary to expectations (92) is ungrammatical.
However, this is because two rather close occurrences
of the same morphological form, svayam, yield an inelegant
sentence. (92) would become grammatical if a phrase is
used in the sentence that retains the meaning of svayam: |
(93) |
svayam bhishma ne usko kisi ki sahayata
i i
himself bhishma CM him anybody CM help
ke bina, apni shakti se, parast kiya
CM without self strength CM defeat do+PAST
(Bhishma defeat him himself, by his own strength,
without taking anybody's help.)
The phrases kisi ki sahayata ke bina,
and apni shakti se express the meaning of svayam. |
That svayam and svayam are
distinct is evident also from the fact that whereas svayam
can be substituted by apneap, svayam cannot be: |
(94) |
himself food eat+FUTURE
(Ram will eat food himself.)
(95) |
CM home himself God CM
janm liya
birth take+PAST
(God himself was born at Yashoda's house.)