Theory of binding Book

Abhilasha Jain
B.N. Patnaik
(92)   *svayam bhishma ne usko svayam parast kiya
      i           i                      i

himself bhishma CM him himself defeat+PAST

Contrary to expectations (92) is ungrammatical. However, this is because two rather close occurrences of the same morphological form, svayam, yield an inelegant sentence. (92) would become grammatical if a phrase is used in the sentence that retains the meaning of svayam:
(93)   svayam bhishma ne usko kisi ki sahayata
     i          i

himself bhishma CM him anybody CM help

ke bina, apni shakti se, parast kiya

CM without self strength CM defeat do+PAST

(Bhishma defeat him himself, by his own strength, without taking anybody's help.)

The phrases kisi ki sahayata ke bina, and apni shakti se express the meaning of svayam.
That svayam and svayam are distinct is evident also from the fact that whereas svayam can be substituted by apneap, svayam cannot be:
    ram himself food eat+FUTURE

(Ram will eat food himself.)

    yashoda CM home himself God CM

janm liya

birth take+PAST

(God himself was born at Yashoda's house.)

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