Theory of binding Book

Abhilasha Jain
B.N. Patnaik
Testing the Initial Statement the Formulation:
We study the other A-anaphors in Hindi below to examine the correctness of the above statement.
Consider the following sentences where the A-anaphors apneap and svayam have been used.

Ram CM self CM mirror CM see+PAST

(Ram saw himself in the mirror)

Ram CM self CM hatred be+PRES

(Ram hates himself.)

Ram CM mohan CM self CM far keep+PAST

(Ram kept Mohan at a distance from himself.)

In all the sentences the A-anaphors apneap and svayam are coindexed with ram. In (16) and (18) ram is the agent in the sentence. The NPs in the ko phrase, here do not have the perceiver theta-role, unlike the NP in the ko phrase in (17). The ko-phrase in the former bears the goal theta-role whereas in (17) it bears the perceiver theta-role, that is, ram, in this sentence bears the perceiver theta-role. This happens because in (16) and (18) the verbs are action verbs whereas in (17) the verb is a stative verb. In short, these sentences demonstrate the correctness of (15).
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