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41.  mohana - taikena me?n-te luu - a
  Mohana - tense say -case Ludu -case
  ji tai - jan -a
  life-save-tense -cop
  Mohna save the life of Ludu.
42.  ne - leka ge suŋgu:ti suŋguti taijan - re
  that - like emph. friend friend save - case
  musiŋ upkar namo - g-i -a
  one day help get -tense -cop
  Like this, we have to help each other.
43.  h - ko daru -tea - hagu -kate
  man -p. tre -case - comedown -while
  akin - ta - ko seer - jan -a
  two - place - pl. reach - tense - cop
  They reached the place where Ludu and Mohana were
  after climbed down fromthe tree.
44.  Luu - ke hatu -te thul - au-k-i-a- k ar
  Ludu - case village - case rise - bring - pl. and
  mohana - ke isu -ko prosoŋsa - k -i -a
  Mohan -case very -pl. surprise - tense -cop
  They brought Ludu to the village.
45.  en -dilaŋ - tea bana ba:di - sa ka -ko
  that - day -from bear field - side neg.-pl
  hi?i - tan -a
  come -tense -cop
  From that time onwards, bears did not come to the field.
46.  namtaN hatu h bugi - re ge asbas
  now a days village-man good-case-emph. cultivate
  tan -a
  tense -cop
  Now, the people of the village cultivate safely.


There was a big mountain near the village. The mountain was like a boundary wall to the village. Everybody felt happy to see the mountain from the village. A stream was flowing from the bottom of the mountain towards east.
Wild animals like lion, tiger, elephant, bear and birds used to come to the stream to quench their thirst. The bears of the mountain used to come to the fields to eat white ants. When they went to the fields, they broke the ridges of the fields and damaged the crops.
It was a rainy season. The fields were full of rain water. The fields were green with full of paddy plants.
The villagers got angry and they planned to hunt the bears. They planned in such a way that all the youngmen of the village should assemble on the western side of the village with the weapons like bow and arrows, axe, knife, trident etc. They also planned to hunt the bear from that direction. One day they assembled with various kind of weapons.
They formed many groups. Each group constituting two persons and they went to different directions in search of bear in the fields. The field became muddy due to the rain. They could not see the bear even after they went for a long distance.
One day they went for hunting. There was monlight. Bushes looked like bears in the moonlight. So, all the hunters climbed up the trees. Since the surface portion of the field was black, the hunters could not identify the bear easily. When they heard the roaring voice of the bear they started running. Ludu went near the bear and hit it with his stick. The bear turned towards him and attacked him.
When the people heard the noice of fighting, they started climbing up the trees. During the fight, Ludu pushed the bear down. Mohana, a friend of Ludu was there at that time. He was a brave man. He hit the bear with an arrow. It hit near the ear of the bear. The bear ran towards the forest. Mohana saved the life of Ludu. Other people climbed down from the trees and came to the place where Ludu and Mohana were standing. Afterwards bears did not come to the fields. The people of the village cultivate safely.

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