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Derivation :

Words may be formed by derivation. The derivation may include prefixing, infixing, and suffixing, as shown below with illustrations. 

Prefixing :

1. Causative verbs are derived by prefixing the causative suffix to the verb as in :

a+nu? à anu?

‘to make someone drink’

a+jom à ajom

 ‘to feed’

2. The first syllable of the verb is reduplicated to derive a noun from the verb as in :

o+ol à ool

i+ir à iir  ‘cutting’
jo+jom à jojom  ‘eating’
le+lel à lelel ‘seeing’
se+sen à sesen ‘walking’
da+dal à dadal ‘beating’
su+suku à susuku  ‘liking’
nu+nu?u à nunu?u

Infixing :

1. PV (P with nay vowel) is infixed either in the adjectives giving the repeated meaning of the adjective or in the verbs giving the meaning ‘each other’ as shown below :


ma-pa-raŋ  ‘big, big’
ma-pa-raŋ daruko ‘big, big trees’
huiŋ  ‘small’
hu-pu-iŋ  ‘small, small’
hu-pu-in daako  ‘small small branches’
dal  ‘to beat’
da-pa-l ‘beating each other’
čo?  ‘to kiss’
čo-po-?  ‘kissing each other’
ajom  ‘to feed’
‘feding each other’ 

Suffixing :

1. Agentive suffix i? or ji? is added to the verb to derive the nominal form of the verb.

r+i?/ji? à iri?
}  ‘reaper’
irji? }
jom+i/ji? à jomi?
  }  ‘eater’



2. Number markers -a, -kin, and -ko are added to noun.

kaji+a à kajia

 ‘a word’
jo+a à joa  ‘a fruit’
bi+kin à bikin ‘two books’
h+kin à hkin ‘two men’
jo+ko à joko  ‘fruits’
kui+ko à kuiko

 3. The nominal suffix -i is added to the adjective to derive noun :

bugin+i à bugini
huiŋ+i à huiŋi ‘smallness’
maraŋ+i à maraŋi  ‘bigness’
salaŋgi+ià salaŋgii




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