Adjectives :
bugin |
‘good’ |
nãwã |
‘new’ |
hende |
‘black’ |
‘big’ |
m h
‘fat’ |
pe e
‘smart’ |
hu iŋ |
‘small’ |
bu ui |
‘smooth’ |
sep e?t |
‘young’ |
baŋgara |
‘short’ |
ho a hipa
‘rough’ |
Adverb :
nere |
‘here’ |
latar |
‘below’ |
ha e |
‘there’ |
sirma |
‘above’ |
Compound words :
The compound words may be formed by compunding or by derivation. The compound word may have the sum of the
compounds have the sum of the meaning of its
components..The following compounds have the sum of the meaning of its
m r+h 
m rh  immportal
man |
‘immortal man’ |
nir+sad m
ànirsad mrace
horse |
‘race horse’ |
association |
‘Welfare accosiation’ |
kada a+daru
à kada adarubanana
tree |
‘Plantain tree’ |
mada +rase
à mada raseapple
juice |
‘apple juice’ |
sendera+h  à
senderah  hunt
man |
‘hunter’ |
suga an+ku ihonàsuga anku ihonbeautiful
girl |
‘beautiful girl’ |
However, there are few compounds where the
components have different meanings from the meaning of the compounds. The components and the compounds are
given below :
ulli + da?a à
ullida?amango water |
‘saliva’ |
bai + rua
à bairua to
make to return |
‘to repair’ |
jom + go?e à
jomgo?e to eat to die |
‘to take poison’ |
kaji + bai à
kajibai word to make |
‘to plan’ |
The compound words may be formed
by the following ways :
1. the combination of Noun+Noun |
2. the combination of Noun+Verb |
3. the combination of Verb+Noun |
4. the combination of Verb+Verb |
5. the combination of Adjective+Noun
All the compounds are given below with examples
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