d pyo
‘good to eat’ |
lupyo |
‘good to tell’ |
kapyo |
‘good to look at/se’ |
is added along with ‘su’ to indicate that the action is done
violating an order/instruction. |
insuta |
‘to go violating the order’ |
m suta |
‘to do violating the order’ |
lusuta |
‘to tell violating the order’ |
‘ka ’
is added to indicate that the action is continuing beyond the
stipulated or given time |
luka |
‘talk beyond the given time’ |
d ka |
‘eat beyond the given time’ |
m ka |
‘do beyond the alloted time’ |
is added to indicate the persistent nature of the action. |
luxa |
‘not to give
up talking in adverse circumstances’ |
d xa |
‘not to give
up cating in adverse circumstances’ |
m xa |
‘not to give
up working in adverse circumstances’ |
‘x ’
is added to indicate that the purpose of the action is realised.
In such constructions, the subject takes the dative case sign. |
luxt |
tell-v.p.-p.t. |
realized the purpose of his telling' |
m x t |
do-v.p.-p.t. |
realized the purpose of his doing' |
lupy |
‘say first’ |
‘go first’ |
d py |
‘eat first’ |
is added to indicate that the action of the subject is degrading
to the listener or someone else. |
lupy |
‘insult by telling’ |
bipy |
‘insult by giving’ |
mipy |
‘insult by doing’ |
is added to indicate the success in achieving the objective
of the action. |
m pye
‘to succeed in achieving the objective
of doing’ |
lupye |
‘to succeed in achieving the objective
of telling’ |
mempye |
‘to succeed in achieving the objective
of killing’ |
is added to indicate that the actionis performed using a short-cut
method. |